We looked into this, and found a new bug. Any of the enchanted weapons that are alive at the point when Prince Kael’thas resurrects his advisors will immediately have their health increased.
We currently cannot hotfix this issue, but we hope to resolve the problem relatively soon.
The fix for the issue with Kael’s enchanted weapons gaining unintended extra health is live everywhere.
And this is indirect confirmation of the intended P3 Advisor HP increase unintendedly applying to other NPC actors friendly to Kael’thas when the resurrection mechanic activates.
What the hell, Blizzard. Just cleared both SSC and TK and what a joke it is post-nerf. You can’t be serious; actually challenging and FUN bosses are destroyed by this move, the only explanation it has is you consider us players completely brainless. HC dungeons are bigger challenge at this point.
Let’s hope this is just some bad dream and I’m gonna wake up from it.
Oh god I miss Draenor I hated so much. At least it had slight nerfs and difficulty adjusted between LFR, Normal HM and Mythic. These TK/SSC nerfs are so hard that if feels that moderate difficulty of HM got nerfed into oblivion of LFR. People just can do stupid mistakes and still get the kills.
We just went from 8/10 and doing progression where we never got to Vashj phase 3 or KT phase 4, to easily one-shotting both of them, on the first attempt, and despite messing up a fair bit.
The trash nerfs were great. Being able to go straight to Vashj/KT was great. But instead of implementing that, like we all freakin’ recommended, you just hamfistedly applied everything everywhere.
Despite needing loot from them, I have ZERO intention of ever stepping into SSC or TK ever again if I can avoid it. It has become a mindless loot piñata that you just trudge through.
So thank you Activision-Blizzard for removing yet another reason to log into this game. Stay the hell away from future raids please.
And people were arguing that the 8/10 guilds are ecstatic and they are the ones asking for the nerf to clear the content. Guess not them either.
So far we have:
Hardcore raiders don’t want the nerfs (most of them).
Raiding guys don’t want the nerfs (most of them).
Socials don’t want the nerfs (most of them).
Bad players don’t want the nerfs (most of them).
If -most of them- don’t want the nerfs…who wanted it? People pride on transparency, but when it comes to provide evidence they stay silent. Ignoring facts and evidence doesn’t make things sort out themselves nor goes away by itself.
Is this what PC has come to in this day and age? Doing the will of the minority for virtue points? That’s bad for business no matter how you look at it. You haven’t reached this point as a company by listening to the 2 guys opposing 1000. How about you go back to your roots? The fact that Classic worked was proof that you’ve done things better in the past. If you see something doesn’t work, you go back to the drawing board and backtrack to what worked and build from there. Moving more in quicksand is not helping. Change is always welcomed but not always good.
TO BLIZZARD: You’re losing out on the fishes in the ocean that you use industrial nets to catch in the thousands in one trip to have a chance to use a rod to fish a couple sardines in your backyard pond that’s doubling in size after a summer rain.
Dont know where you get information noone wanted nerfs, but from my guild situation:
We had 22-23 signups befoe nerf, now it is over 30. And socials are interested in easy raiding, they cant signup. Seems like everyone have time now to schedule their time.
Plus, ssc/tk pugs 6/6 or 4/4 are made on daily basis, multiple of them and they were non existant on my server, apart from few 4/6 before nerfs.
As you said, some implies a small fraction. Since when are changes made based of the voice of “some” ? Guess you never knew democracy then, there are better ways my friend.
The reason you had so many sign-ups is because people were not attuned cuz they couldn’t be bothered to get revered for heroics and complete the attunement heroics. Not because the easier content. Removing the attunement even though i don’t really agree with it since there should be some “work to be put in” if you want the current end-game content. You cannot fight the last floor boss if you don’t clear the floors leading to him. This is just bringing down the tower and removing all the experience gained up to that boss that might be needed to down the boss.
There are ways to include the “bad back hernia guy” in your class into your rugby match, but you don’t put him on the field, you find a different way for him to be part of the team.
Hos is it fair for players that are friendly with all factions to enter and “clear” best boss in-game while others had to grind their way to that boss.
If you want to be the CEO you gotta start as lvl 1 employee IMO. Though if you look at Bobby…nvm last sentence.
What is hard to accept as you might have noticed is that some players’ views are affecting the rest of the players. That’s what’s unacceptable from the community IMO. I don’t care if you enjoy it easier, but why do the rest of us have to have our fun taken out of the game for the 2 out of 25 guys in the raid that find it hard to clear 2 mechanics? And why before having something more challenging offered in return? P3 release should be the moment this happens since it’s gonna become just a stepping stone towards end-game content. Plus, why bring nerfs happening after the release of SWP and nerfs happening months before WOTLK release into P3?