Reminder: Tier 5 Raid Tuning Coming Next Week

Blizzard are big fans of minecraft, they see the peaceful mode and want to implement it into wow. Too many have become accustomed to classic with world buffs and now the safety nets are off with somewhat challenging content, they cant handle it. Blizzard pandering would make me laugh if i wasnt too busy cringing

I agree, nerfs should be out when T6 is released. I mean if this is a 4-6 weeks PTR then it’s kind of ridiculous they add the nerfs so soon.

So we’re expected to go to other sites than the official WoW one to see communication from the Devs?
… Really?
Why not just delete these forums, they serve no function then.

I mean, even in 2007 ppl would go to sites like ElitistJerks for research and quantitative info about classes, raids etc. When have devs EVER provided this info outright on this forum? Or the official forums from back then?

Imagine believing t5 ever was hard the only boring part about t5 is the trash. I’m happy i can finally spend less time in t5 content and also spend less gold on consumes. and actually do something more fun outside raiding and farming consumes.

Everyone here who hasn’t cleared t5 ain’t using consumes up thier teeth anyway and don’t deserves to kill a boss at a harder difficulty.

All you gotta do is literally do daily’s every day and that’s your raiding consumes per week. 600g+ on consumes is the minimum I use every single week. And should be a minimum for everyone else. People raiding 2/3x a week for 4h each day and you are telling me you can’t even farm 600gold each week? Just facepalm learn to play the game before you set your foot in raids.


Just uninstall. this is not a bank simulator you are supposed to waste gold on raids that’s the whole purpose with gold not bank it forever.

Wow, I wonder how long it took you to go through all the logs updated on Warcraftlogs to actually verify this hypothesis instead of pulling it out of your butt. Must be fun to have that much free time in your life.

I don’t think I’ve ever spent 600g on a single raid week like… All of TBC, ever.
But then again, I am so ashamed of my parses I need to hide behind a lvl 10.

Think I spend like 40-50g max in a single raid week lol.
So I gain more gold out of the raid than I spend.

Well, I do spend more than that, but not close to 600.
600g+ seems like massive overkill even with like 4 flasks per week used.

haste pot on trash and u can easily reach that. healer is basically free unless u need to rune

Merry Christmas on free t5 and t6 attunements for those who haven’t (fully) cleared it yet!

My shaman shall enjoy the tk attunement removal as I was too lazy to re-farm the reps, though it still feels … too soon.

Ah, you use flasks ;p
I use elixirs, since they’re better as a healer :slight_smile:

Well, for me as Shadow flask is a lot better.

Why this stupid idea?

Like I knew would happen we got a few spergs that don’t wanna play the game it was meant to be played, instead they wanna play bank simulator. May the first one to gold cap win!:fist:

You simply don’t deserve the nerfed content if you don’t wanna play the game. Tuning the game for slackers is the blizzard way :joy:

Mate you’re attempt at reasoning with a 27 and 78 best average parse in MagGruul and Kara and someone that hasn’t seen the inside of SSC/TK according to logs. Haven’t you noticed there’s only 2 guys arguing over here and trying to defend blizz? guess it’s blizz paid employees to work on PR otherwise I cannot fathom to blindly and stupidly defend to such lengths such a moronic decision.

I agree that trash was very time consuming, but at the same time I really enjoyed the thrill and challenge of the boss fights. Imo a better decision would be nerfing the trash and not touch the boss fights until P3 gets released. But I guess there’s always a Zalanji to argue with numbers of replies vs arguments and think he won just cuz he’s posted more and faster than the guy using arguments.

Talking about “everyone wants the nerf you ELITISTS” when there’s only 2 people in all of the 120 replies that considers this “a good decision”. Pathetic


Cuz people like the guy above posting 100 times/h running flags for blizz decision. Apparently having 1 night of 3h available for raid makes you a hardcore filthy elitist in some guy’s vision that doesn’t deserve a say in a game that was created to get rewards and end-game gear by only being AFK and 1 min logging every week, but even that’s a bit of a stretch, he should just get WOTLK gear already cuz he doesn’t have the time to do and wait for that…

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Well, that was some atrocious communication. After you announced nerfs coming a month in advance, I though something changed. That was a good step.
But now, a few days before we learn it’s different nerfs to what we were expecting and there’s not even a list, just “full nerfs”.
I’m enjoying TBC classic, but this adds to the list of things that make me want to be done with Blizzard products.

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Just watched a twitch VOD of the nerfed TK - it´s ridiculous. Thanks for depriving me of a nice raid with such a joke of a dungeon… You should be ashamed to listen to the crybabys…Such retardinos at blizzard - ban me again i dont care - i will throw my wallet in your face.

should buy a second monitor to watch some movie now while raiding i guess

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