Removal of /spit emote on the PTR

Blizzard thinks this is enough for them to make people forget about those lawsuits. I think they will be shocked.

Man Blizzard are pathetic.

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You think you do want /spit emote, but you don’t.

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Easy workaround, macro /e spits on %t. You’re welcome.
This change is completely asinine.

Yeah why even have chat functionality? Let’s remove that and void all interaction between players, because all we really want is a single player WoW game!

Ever thought this was in response to asmongold proving he actually is an ashol when he urged his viewers to spit on people who has the mount and the mindless drones actually started doing it?

/spit on floor

I think they’ll get the message


Revolution is here, deal with it. cant stop the revolution. I dont care about the removal of spit it doesn’t affect me. qq more No changes Conservatives.

Just unsubbed and as the reason I wrote “removal of /spit”. Blizzard doesn’t even care so why would I? I’ll go play some other games.

They cared enough to set up a weakaura :joy:

And my wallet is fine, I can afford to buy a game I won’t play for a Viridian Phase-Hunter in a game I do play.

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Nicely write post big tumb for your tough. I felt the same when I read the article on wowhead. I could it bealive some snow flakes can get so dramatically for an emote which how you said it was from the beginning. Exactly how you said there are other real toxic elements on the game and has zero punishment. But this … is just lame.

Well this explains a lot. The last couple of days random people have been spat on for no apparent reason, i guess some players have some saliver they need to get out of the system before the /spit gets removed on live.

lawl, that made my day.

was they mounted on a reawakened phase-hunter by any chance?

No. Just the random player.

I spit on every alliance scum I see.

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Is it still removed or was that a bug?

It’s removed, it’s intentional, not a bug.

The day this makes it live is the day I unsub from WoW

You hear that Blizzard,

No more precious $$ from me.

Completely pointless too as there are so many emotes that can be used while targetting someone riding the deluxe mount, so Blizzard better remove all emotes. Sigh.