Remove deserter from being kicked in LFG

What they said was : we are working on a hotfix that will apply the deserter debuff to

  • people who LEAVE
  • a group finder DUNGEON early
  • This penalty will apply to early leavers in all Group Finder dungeons

What we got was deserter debuff for

  • people who leave or are KICKED at any stage
  • a group finder dungeon or GROUP FINDER RAID
  • penalty for all group finder dungeons ALSO GROUP FINDER RAIDS

Where it gets interesting is that this hotfix was applied due to ‘loot leavers’ for specific trinkets. Moving that small handful of trinkets to the last boss was by far the easiest fix.

Now, ‘vote kicking’ has become a tool for toxicity. Vote kicking is something we need to keep, but the ‘hotfix’ was ‘bugged’. The hotfix differed from what they said it would do in every way possible.

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