Remove desserter dbuff

im sick playing vs premades with 430 avg ilvl team

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Make a premade team too, problem solved. They went the extra mile to do that, you should too.

if they want play premade then they shlud play rbg not randoms

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But what if people want to play with friends in bgs. Are they premade too or what?

No don’t remove it. Increase it to 30 minutes for Epics.

oh yeah the famous “group of friends” song… Fix matchmaking to let them always face other “group of friends”. Suddenly they would forget they have friends and would queue solo


Actually, I’d say increase deserter buff duration for early leavers.

I see it all the time: People leave right after the first lost team fight, putting everyone else on the team at a massive disadvantage because of the lower player count. Most times, this will inevitably lead to a loss.

Sure it isn’t fun if you get stomped by Premades or just high geared player comps, but you’re not making it easier for the people on your team who actually want to stand and fight.

I propose to increase the deserter debuff for players who leave before 5 minutes in the battleground have passed to 1 day like heroic dungeon resets (until next morning) or at least to several hours. Sounds harsh, but we sincerely need to combat this behavior. Leaving later in the game doesn’t do as much harm as leaving early.

I suggest community reputation system instead of deserter debuff. I’m sure It will be more effective than deserter system. Low rep players can play with low rep players.

this comment is on another level lol

what’s the fun of premades in R A N D O M bgs lmao

It’s certainly more fun than playing with 70k hp people. But you do you.

it never used to be like this before bfa. blame bfa, not the players (:

before bfa the teams were more or less balanced, now, it’s sub 200k people vs premades 80% of the time (idk the exact number but this is what it feels like).

i lived in bgs, they were my favourite activity in game but they’ve been ruined. in all my time playing combined i don’t think i’ve ever faced as many premades as i have in bfa.

and you can’t blame the people, why take a chance to play with 50k hp healers?

but still, facing full premades ain’t fun and i think against the tos. i don’t mind 3/4/5 people queueing together, but anymore than that it’s wrong.


This issue has been a thing since I vividly remember back in WoD. A lot of things happened in WoD, not necessarily content, but /changes/ to the game in the back-end.

Thats why you can que as group of 5 or something changed?

People be careful there is random bg hero here …they can go extra mile like its nothing. Run!

Well i actually played 2 bgs yesterday as subpar ilvl 410 i think… mw monk as only healer and i think people were glad that iv been there 0 corruption lvl 60 neck, no enchants, sockets just this cloak done 240k hp or something … Obviously it wasnt a premade but normal group of people with guess how many healers? 0…we won both.

Random bgs should be. Fun, learning not tryharding as today. People used to doing 5 mans groups with full gear to have fun/own noobs in random bgs but they did it brcause of fun and then tryhard in rated pvp. Now rated arena is ded, rated bgs ded, and people farming random bgs for what? Hks ? Honor lvl? Its probably BFA fault to pvp being so bad but people changed too…

I think we should remove deserter for the afk thing. I was replying to a text in an epic BG for maybe 30 seconds when I got booted and received deserter. We were winning easily, they didn’t need my help since I was a lowish ilvl rogue anyway.

But why should solo queue people be forced to go vs the same overgeared retarded premades? It’s silly how hard you try to defend those, easy to guess why.

In your example of introducing a new player ok, let’s say it would be allowed to group 2 people in “solo only” if one of them is under 30 honor level, problem solved. Now what else will you find?


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