Remove drums

except u can just learn jc ones and make a bunch of the gems then abandon it. it’s an investment cheaper than leveling blacksmtihing for a weapon used for 1 tier

Uhm, Dragonmaw and their upgrades will serve you through P1 to P3 in which they’ll be replaced once SWP is finally released. It’s not like it’s a bad investment for a weapon that will stay with you for an entire expansion. That is why there is such a damn fuss over them being turned back in to main hand and not one hand.

Can’t agree more, the lack of communication between Blizzard and community is just horrible.

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Dragonstrike remains BIS for Warriors until Warglaives, and I think Enhance Shamans until S3 weapons, it doesn’t have an internal cooldown on the proc so it also scales with bloodlust/haste pots/windfury, + Warriors/Rogues also scale with their resource allowing more attacks to be used at higher gear levels which also slightly increases uptime on the mace proc.

The 2hand Sword doesn’t last very long for Rets/Arms but in PVP Stormherald is still good in S3.

No weapon is used for 1 tier. Dragonstrike is probably going into Sunwell with you, Lionheart isn’t replaced until Cataclysm’s Edge drops, maybe the KT sword as a minor upgrade. That’s 2-3 tiers, or a period of over a year of your real life.

Also it’s completely pointless to drop Jewelcrafting if you take it, since JC neck is best in Sunwell. Almost nobody has this sweaty outlook of “I will just level these profs and then drop them” and hopefully Blizzard will make the professions a requirement for the perks anyway.

Rogues gaining more haste from energy was a cata change iirc.

Warriors rage does scale with haste, but only indirectly. It scales with all stats that increase DPS. Last I heard of the proc was it doesn’t stack with haste pot. The value of it is likely overexaggerated due to private servers defaulting to 10% proc chance.

It’s not certainly not pointless to drop JC. Yes the neck is bis for physical dps, but once again just a selfish play due to drums giving more value.

I agree that dropping professions and still being able to benefit from what is supposed to be exclusive to those professions is bad design, however the core issue remains that some professions are vastly better than others.

Leatherworking and Engineering are the only ones to add to gameplay, unlike the passive benefits of better gear/ring enchants and so on.

Rogues have combat potency, more hit/haste = more energy, faster offhand = more energy. That’s why a Rogue without Latros and Drums in T4 is basically a disabled Rogue, at least in 2.4. And Dragonstrike doesn’t stack with itself, in the scenario where you can dual wield it (you can’t on beta), it scales directly with haste because it has a % chance to proc on hit with no internal cooldown, so the more haste you have the better Dragonstrike becomes.

And also for Fury Warriors if you played in TBC you will remember the Landsoul spreadsheet, Dragonstrike’s value was already well established back then and the sheet kinda undervalues it because it averages the haste contribution, while good players will cooldown stack and synergy plays a huge part, particularly with recklessness and cooldowns like blade flurry/adrenaline rush for rogues.

Even if Dragonstrike was overvalued on pservers, it was already the best weapon prior to glaives in the original TBC, comfortably so.

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