Remove Halls of Stone from dungeon queue

I would like to ask to have Halls of Stone removed from the Wrath of the Lich King dungeon queue, in every conceivable way (While leveling, timewalking, past, present, future.) Opionionated as it is, I firmly believe it is the worst dungeon, in the entire game. It’s aesthetically boring, boring bosses, and the possibly worst dungeon boss / event in the entire game, including raid bosses, raid trash, world bosses, rares, and that is “Tribunal of Ages.”

An excruciatingly long “Defend the NPC (Brann)” boss fight, where horrendously weak mobs (occasionally) spawn, mechanics bring next to no damage or consequences, there’s no actual boss or entity to wail on, yet Brann can still be killed if you go AFK. The fight requires the absolute minimum amount of effort to overcome, yet you have to pay to attention nearly start to finish, because if Brann dies, it’s over from the beginning, and it’s just so, maddingly boring.

Take it out of the group finder, and add in the Icecrown dungeons instead, or just remove it and add nothing, even that would be an improvement.

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it better oqeulas

Its even worse than years past because the eye beam can actually hurt you rather than just give you a tan.

Wait until the OP gets into Oculus…

There is no oculus in World of Warcraft.

Let’s pretend there is one for the sake of demonstration:
There is a special zone in the human brain specially designed for the denial of any memory that may possibly be created from this hypothetical dungeon, erasing them completely. Thus, even in the made up assumption that this unrealistic place may exists, nobody can even pretend to have ever done it because it is absolutely impossible to have any memories of it!

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The Oculus, while also rather dumb, is still, in my opinion, far better than Halls of Stone. Oculus has wonky mechanics, but if you know what to do, the dungeon is at least over fairly quickly.

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I’d rather they remove the Culling of Stratholme instead.

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