Remove instrument of retribution from the game

Remove instruments from ret.

Nerfing dawnlight is terrible but it’s not the problem. The buff we get on ally death is the issue. Once people, learn the fights, get gear, ret will start performing worse in raid. Ret ONLY looks good right now because of all the deaths in raid.

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Why would removing it help that? That just means you perform worse sooner?

If anything you’re just getting a free bonus whilst people are getting killed at the moment (And that’s not mentioning the countless other pieces of content where people may die - PvP for example)

Besides, its super cool thematically, and very enjoyable to proc!
I don’t see the problem with the skill existing, they just need to factor it into their nerfs.

It’s bad because it encourages degenerate gameplay, and creates a false impression of rets performance before people learn the fights.

Long after blizzard considered the season balanced, people will stop dying in their weekly clears and the ret will drop dramatically in performance.

I get the argument. Early in a season. People are dying more and rets can maintain a fairly high uptime of Wings which is a massive damage buff and thus affect the balance. Later season people die less, our numbers drop and so we get buffed.

I just hope Blizzard arent that stupid though. And they are looking at clean runs for balance and not fights where people are dying consistantly to maintain the buff for the paladins.

i have an idea just add it so when an ally get to 50% or below grant us wings

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