Remove loot from BossBannerWidget

Sometimes I get a double loot indicator from the normal loot window and also from the BossBannerWidget. This is kind of annoying. Anyone know how to turn off the BossBannerWidget?

/run BossBanner:UnregisterAllEvents()


/run BossBanner:UnregisterEvent(“ENCOUNTER_LOOT_RECEIVED”)

might be better.

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Thanks. It didn’t seem to work I’m afraid.

I don’t understand the mess that is boss loot windows. There’s the normal loot frame (affected by autoloot etc), then there’s the Loot Alert frame, then there’s the Boss Widget Frame. They all produce loot alerts when a boss is looted. 3x loot alerts.

local f = CreateFrame("Frame")
local function OnEvent(self, event)
	if BossBanner then

f:SetScript("OnEvent", OnEvent)
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wow. Just now and again, you get the guy you need. Thanks.

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