Remove Mercenary Mode

Well, fine by me as well, I am (queuing on) Horde and I don’t need fast queues, I’d prefer queues to be longer and have a higher winrate.

Exactly, they farm defeats. Once again my full Alliance teams kept winning today whilst my only defeat was full of mercenaries, if it weren’t for them I would have 100℅ winrate.

I played enough random bgs to witness stupidity of mercenaries, we know they do all of the things I listed at my first post.

I suggest people to use Elvui to see them, who are mercenaries or if there is any alternative. Most people are not even aware why their teams are so terribly bad sometimes, the reason is mercenaries, which means Low iLvL honor leecher Horde players on your teams.

I will wake these people up. They need to know the reason behind their frustrations.

How about joining Alliance then, come. If you want the better PvE faction then you should face consequences like long que times, both sides should have pros and cons, mercenary removes one of those cons of joining crowded faction.

Under this thread there were proofs as well supported by screenshots, you know you can’t post names rule on forum, that is why the post was deleted. So whoever claim that mercenaries are just good guys they are completely wrong, forum rules doesn’t allow us to expose all those honor leechers and toxic mercenaries talking bad about Alliance while using mercenary system.

Mercenary must gey removed for more healthy PvP experience in random bgs.


To be fair I was planning on swapping to Alliance, will be doing that this weekend :D.


I welcome you if you swap sides but not as mercenary :stuck_out_tongue:


59 epic bg bracket on horde also has this issue
same as the rated batttlegrounds
too many dont know how to play it or just disregard objectives
p.s i also have ally at 60 my void elf hunter
and belf lock still leveling and the 59 bracket epic bgs have people afking
or letting them win

Merc mode is an abomination that needs to be removed.


59 bracket is not something that we consider, mercenary is only available on 60 I guess? Of course there will be new PvP players or new players aka bad PvP players on both sides, they are not a problem.

Agreed, it is harmful for PvP community, it takes away factionpride aspect of PvP which is core of PvP, it has always been so despite some claims like “this is not 2004”.

Ye, ye. Blizzard also should remove it willingly to make their players wait for 7+ minutes and lose revenue. I love these diehard players never think of the business side of the game.

First of all, Blizzard was never biased to PvP side of the game. Moreover, they know what their players want and they give it to them. Do not worry, imo, they do more data analysis than we do about the game. They see that how many people use mercenary mode and how many do not. If it is the majority of the players, it will never be removed due to the couple of Alliance players who think their reason of losing is the Mercenaries.

Also maybe Blizzard shares this information (doubtful tho.): How many of the players uses the forums as precentile?

Lets apply your logic to other side of the coin, they don’t care about 40% of playerbase then, why Alliance players have to wait for hours in LFG? Wouldn’t that make them lose REVENUE as you name it? That is a stupid logic and can be dismissed easily.

If you want short ques for PvE, you should play Horde.

If you want short ques for PvP, you should play Alliance.

If it is gonna stay like this I mean if they won’t remove PvP mercenary, then where is PvE mercenary mode? Muh revenue, it is droppin’.

Lastly, Alliance players have no saying in denying Mercenaries, yes, there can be a better option if it is to stay, “Exclude Mercenaries on your team” option. I would be okay with that, people who love playing with mercenaries on their team could play with them, we mercenary haters could’ve get rid of them. This sounds more fair perhaps.

You’re generalizing every Alliance player atm.

Won’t happen. As I said, If (which is a big if) 10% of alliance players whine about it then Blizzard may consider something. Else, it is an empty wish.

I do not even mind if this comes.

No, there are 2-3℅ more playing with premades and friends not strugglin’. So not every.

People don’t whine more because they are not even aware of mercenaries because they don’t use elvui.

I don’t mind too, but we are talking about bringing factions to equal terms in order to frustrate both sides less otherwise I am PvP only player.

Current system is not fair, if mercenary will exist, it must exist for Alliance side to use as well. If it will stay for PvP we should be able to choose whether or not we wanna play with mercenaries in the same team. WoW needs these changes, this ain’t class balance but it is a structural wrong need that needs to be corrected.

To have a better game we should talk about such changes.

Hey look, another pve player diving to the aid of blizzard and talking about content they don’t even do. :roll_eyes:

If you want short queue times go play on the alliance, if you want high pool pve players play on horde, you shouldn’t get to have best of both worlds at a flick of a switch.

Faction pride is a very small part of why i hate it, like it’s true that is a factor but i hate merc mode because of the mechanical side of it, PVE players tend to gravitate to it and it gets extremely frustrating to play on horde with vastly undergeared players vs a team of generally fully geared alliance players (who queue pvp because they actually pvp) PLUS fully geared pve horde players who just want instant queue times to get their bg done as fast as possible. It’s not just PVE players doing it, its PVP too don’t get me wrong.

Joining a bg where your team have 20k hp while you are facing a party of 5 fully geared PVE players from your own damned server and faction who are in merc mode is one of the most frustrating aspects of the game right now.

There is no incentive to play horde for mains in pvp, you don’t care about the honor as you’re either capped or close to cap, you’re purely there for the daily win of conquest and anima, so people will join alliance to get that out of the way faster.

All it achieves is creating a toxic experience for horde players who don’t use it.
It’s like the pvp pool when blacklisting was a thing, if you had any knowledge whatsoever about pvp on horde you immediately blacklisted AV and IoC, this immediately put you in a better pool of players who would actually try to win bgs, not blacklisting those bgs would put you into a pool of players who mostly had zero clue about pvp or any care for winning.
Same deal for when essences came out, every single horde player who cared about pvp instantly queued as merc 24/7 until blizzard removed the 50% honor buff for mercs on alliance. Every player who didn’t know or care were just lambs to the slaughter, including people who are passionate about pvp but do not want to queue for a faction they don’t play on.


Even though the wait is longer there’s a much higher % chance of a win.

I’d merc mode into Horde queues, if i could.


I wish you could do it to see how it is.
Personally i was perfect as alliance merc.

This is my main character sir. I do PvP with my alt rogue.

So the trend continues.

I am trying to get renown by winning random bgs.

First game full of mercs crushing defeat.

Second game full Alliance team, easy win.

Third game half of team mercenary, crushing defeat.

They are slowing my progress down, wasting my time and not only mine probably time of many other players’.

When will you remove this stupid thing, it doesn’t belong to this game. If you’ll keep it give us an option to exclude them from our teams.

Fourth match, full of 150 iLvL mercenaries, crushing defeat.

Nice. Renown catch up takes forever because of mercenaries now. Nice way to torture Alliance players.


If you intend to play without mercenaries you can via brawl, I had 100℅ winrate in 4 matches with it, full Alliance teams, no 15k hp mercenaries on your team. It was really fun.

I guess brawls are our only full Alliance option currently out of RBGs, there is no other way to avoid them.

I’ll keep this thread alive for a long time, this subject needs more attention, it is important.


Err no, me and my buddies use it all the time and we’re Horde. Much faster times as allie side. Far less players…

That is the core problem about it already, horde players must suffer long ques since they play on the crowded faction. You and your buddies must normally make at least an Alliance alt for short ques if you are eager to play them so much.

Mercenary mode is stupid wherever you look at it. It takes away disadvantage of joining crowded faction or takes away possibility of new Alliance players.

I don’t want mercenaries in my team, believe me alot more people would agree with me if they could see it via addon like me, most people aren’t even aware of how many stupid mercenaries cause defeats.

I repeat, give us an option to exclude mercenaries from our teams or remove it completely Blizzard.

The right thing to do is removing it completely to do something positive in the name of faction balance, half right option is giving us an option to get rid of them, “Exclude Mercenaries”.


To be fair, some of us are punished for playing as mercenaries. I turn into a mechagnome. :nauseated_face: