Remove premades already

Its pvp boy. Farm or get farmed. Its always the same. You have to accept that there are players in every part of the game with more xp than you.

He can’t. He truly believes that Blizzard should enforce a 50% win rate on all people in all aspects of the game so that individual skill and even group skill is unimportant. He wants any skill or knowledge erased so he can get his 50% winrate. That is literally his stance given when he said equality of outcome.

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Beflum trying his best to ignore me is very funny.
I don’t want Blizzard to enforce a 50% win rate, I want premades back were they belong : in rated battlegrounds.
I want equality of outcome, which means both party starting on equal footing.
This doesn’t removes skill, knowledge, team work from the game, it just makes it fair.

there are premades since classic.
They belong to every part of the game.
Everyone can play with friends. Its fair.

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funny thing all this ppl who stand up for premade on bg forum are ally . I understand its hard to win without a premade :slight_smile:

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I’m Horde. I stand up for people being able to have premades, but that was a lovely attempt at an ad hom, try again. Try harder.

Play with your friends where you belong : in rated battlegrounds.

who tf you think you are to tell me what i should do

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i understand its hard to find people who want to play with you while you crying so loud

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Beflum’s master. Do I need to walk you around the block again ?

Look at what he’s said. He believes that everything in life, even WoW, is a power structure and if he isn’t at the top of it, then the structure is clearly broken. It’s the most egotistical view one can take, instead of finding a team to play with? Make it so other’s can’t have a team.

An unfair system is a system that is broken.
Don’t worry, you’ll still have your team to play with. But instead, you’ll queue in rated battlegrounds ! Successful people and rewards awaits you.
The lizard will have to go, unfortunately.

typically mentality of a drug abuser or alcohol addict

Communism, one of the main world’s problem xD

Rated Bg started in Cataclysm. Premades in Classic.

Every time i read you, i think you are one of these… this or your genes are really bad and your are arround IQ70

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Not gonna debate that, but let’s just say that liberalism isn’t going to cut it.

I don’t see how that is relevant. Let’s just add “where they should belong” then.

my boy started simping… what happened to these legion days where it was just you and me vs the alliance in stormheim…

Communism is proven to be a utopian idea, impossible to carry out. No communist country has fared well.

Communism failed in many countries because of dictatorship, seclusion, etc…

Because of capitalism, the fact that private capitalists, entreprenneurs, lobbies are engaging in politics, and fighting against a economical regime that doesn’t suit their interests.
You do not profit from capitalism, unless you’re very wealthy, which i doubt.

We are clearly going off topic though.

All this talk about communist dystopia is just an example of capitalism projecting itself.

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Remove premades or lose players. Inb4 QQing glads.

oh no they play together and i am a lonely horde warrior without friends

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