Watching Delenis heart his premade buddies posts is the most hilarious kneeslap thing I’ve seen on these forums.
Delenis doesn’t even have fricken windshear bound. He’s garbanzo, and I understand why he sticks to premades. He’s literally inept of any sense of intelligence.
About what? sitting pressing my AOE abilities at a graveyard vs undergeared and unorganised groups, while you’re sat 40 man gearcapped talking about what you’re gonna have for tea tonight?
You. Can. Not. Group. Up. As. 40. People. And. Hit. Queue. Would you like me to spell it more out for you? Literally rotting your brain sat, unemployed morning till night in 40 man BGs beating the crap out of helpless players just trying to play the game. Dumb, and you lack any sense of empathy to see what you’re doing is inconsiderate, and wrong.
None of these people are friends - they’ve developed an unhealthy fixation upon the feeling of graveyard camping people in blues, so they sit in silence and do it all day while their skin, teeth and hair falls into disrepair.
You’re mistaking organised, decent groups (rated BGs) with pub stomp premades. Its like queuing skirmishes all day as disc/feral and then wondering why people want you to delete system 32 IRL
I sense a lot of anger. And unsatisfaction.
Also, quite a few assumptions there about me and my life.
Do I live rent free in your brain?
if you don’t like the time spent on WoW I can suggest you a few things on how to make it better, more enjoyable and more successful. If you want ofc, during my unemployed time.
Try perfecting your brushing technique - maybe you can get your premade group to hold the toothbrush and 2 others to move your head for you. Perhaps then your worthless padded winrates and honour levels won’t be so important to you
You’re replying to me. I reply back. I didn’t know you existed until about 5 minutes ago.
But whatever makes you feel special I guess? You don’t have an argument. You trying to tell me that what you were doing wasn’t shady. But unless my ENGLISH DEFINTION OF SHADY is incorrect, avoiding game mechanics set in place for obvious reasons is not shady, then I don’t know what is.
Anyway, enjoy your degenerate graveyard camping. I can see all that mental stimulation has really helped your intelligence.
You could’ve just admitted, or just not said anything, and go about your day, knowing it’s not right, but you instead, continue to do it, and defend it. Hilarious.
You guys are creating forum posts about this topic.
So obviously this is an obsession to you more than it ever was for us.
For us this is just fun. A laugh with people we like and friends.
And if it’s boring you’re not really forced to play the game the same way we do it, you’re free to do anything you prefer on WoW, and so are we.
Your abuse of the game’s systems ruin it for others - we’re forced to deal with you and your keyboard turning shaman buddy because you are too inexperienced at the game to win without 5 stacking with full flasks, feasts and potions.
YOU reply to every thread about this topic and your buddy sits and watches even while he can’t post. Try washing your face.
Avoiding restrictions that are put in place, and allowing normal people who want to play the game to get graveyard farmed does not allow the average player to enjoy the game.
You’re LITERALLY using timers to get 40 of the same people into a single BG so you can sit graveyard camping REAL people who’re playing the game for enjoyment and treating them as literal HKz at a graveyard.
And no, you don’t have 40 friends. I bet you’re the type of person who has 5k friends and Facebook, and you know about 5 of them personally. You’re making up excuses to fit your narrative. Literal narcissist. You’re not there to make friends, you’re there to add an arbitrary number to your account, and I PROMISE you, no one cares about, but yourself.
Speaking of experience? If you’re interested you can check me and my friends accounts.
I barely reply to topics on forum, so not sure what you’re talking about.
You can’t stop people from playing with friends or other players.
The only thing you can do is to group up yourself and see how that works out for you.
a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. People with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others.
You’re abusing a system that puts your needs and priorities above anyone else’s trying to play the game fairly.
Irony is hilarious sometimes. I bet you cackled at yourself typing that.
I’ll tell you who is a loser. Someone who’s banned from a forum, and still lurks on it, while hearting his premade buddies. Delenis, I can’t wait to crush you in your little premade again.
You roleplay as if you’re just queueing up for fun every now and then and people are mad at your fun, that would be the case if you didn’t make it a pathological obsession to queue hundreds of BGs every single week for years straight. No one is fooled - we know this is your obsession and we know you deeply care to an unhealthy degree about your honour level. We also know you have no interest in challenging yourself, or you’d do rated alternatives.
No one wants to play the game this way, is what you’re failing to understand. To the average person, the idea of spending 10+ hours per day queueing random BGs, winning without effort and barely looking at your monitor would be suicide inducing. Most premades fall apart within a few games because of this - because it is beyond boring.
You telling other people to join you in the pit isn’t useful. It is your fault that the cesspit exists - to everyone else random BGs are a place to do random PVP for fun, to you, it is a grinding simulator because a part of your brain has attached all of its dopamine and hope for the future behind a number that means absolutely nothing.