I queued into Pandora plethora of times, and even won some games. My most memorable loss to her was in Wintergrasp defense when Horde won initial fight fair and square but fell asleep and lost to a sneaky side push while she and her premade held the zerg on towers.
But to the point of premades, I wouldn’t know what to do with them if I were Blizzard. I mean getting together and playing battlegrounds with friends is the core of what most pvpers do. Sure premaking a 40man is bit unfair and every time there’s people who recognize Pandora or Feedo and leave (sometimes myself too as well if it’s a landslide loss).
Point is, if you don’t like the epic bg you are in, you can always leave. Sure some other poor soul will get in and you will face a 15min deserter but if you wanna dodge the graveyard camp, hit it.
And don’t be mean to each other guys! I mean it’s only a game. Why u heff to be mad?
I play unrated PvP because I don’t want all the stress and hassle that comes with rated PvP but I can’t even do that anymore due to premades ruining my experience. Playing with random people against other random people is part of the challenge but being part of a premade is no challenge at all.
You’re helping a guy ban evade to brag about narrowly winning a single BG in a 5 stack. Remember earlier in the thread I asked did you guys hold hands at the urinals? Well I think I know my answer now.
As you can see on the screencap, Delenis has Fricken windshear binded.
You’re lying and you’re always throwing hate to Delenis and her team just because you can’t admit that they’re better.
I’ve been reading you so much time and im surprised. Delenis has helped me so much since we met on BfA, i’m so bad in pvp but Delenis never had a problem to help, to make us learn and to have fun. That’s why we became friends.
im not sure why you are acting like this When you met someone who’s better than you, it’s better to learn from that person than getting crazy on a forum.
You said you were always crushing him. Or how he doesnt have windshear bound. As it stands currently both turned out to be false
Your long lasting crusade against him? Yup, absolutely.
It appears to be on cooldown, ergo used, though. And that screenshot i was already aware of when you proceeded with your crusade in that deleted thread yesterday or so.
For someone so good compared to him as you claim i find it utterly hilarious how you can go so absolutely ballistic at him. Would be just as sad as if i were to start a crusade against someone that wiped the raid in lfr or something.
Again, the fact that the screenshot of choice is one where he narrowly wins in a full premade against random players on alts isn’t the brag you three think it is. No one is ever impressed by any win in a full stack, but barely winning is essentially a loss.