Remove premades already

how would you describe a man who has been playing premades only for ten years?)

why you guys use) instead of : - ) or : )

that’s original :smiley:

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Was that directed at me?

Uh… not my cup of tea, but each to their own… I guess?

Only thing that irks me about premades is how they can be pitted against randoms without an opt-out option (aka. a way to leave the game without incurring deserter in the case of facing premades). If there was an optout option I’d legit be in favour of lifting the “only groups of 5 people can join random bg” rule.

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Hi there.

Let me give you my POV on this topic, as a high-skilled (you can check my history) but casual-rated (only playing random BGs) player, who often plays solo but also in premade groups (group-of-up-to-5 in small BGs) - most people I play with are on my skill level, many of them are current duellant/gladiators.

The following is applied to small random BGs.

BGs where one side absolutely wrecks the other side are not fun. Of course, they are unfunnier for the losing side. It would be better if the games were “closer” and not already decided in the starting room when you check your enemies and compare them with your team.

So, what makes a team invincible, and how does having a premade help there?

  • Skill - being a premade does not change the individual skill. Sure, most of us look for other good players to improve our win chances, but you have to be a good player yourself to get invited to such groups.
  • Coordination - knowing your mates is always better, although, other than believed, most of us don’t hang around in discord for random BGs to coordinate for the BG. Personally, I hardly join any voice, and that is most for social interaction (talk sh*t) and not BG coordination
  • Class Meta - Some speccs are better than others, fact. In a premade you can pick only classes in the best tiers. In my premades we dont do that, its about the person, not the class. (I play mainly PvP Prot pala since BC - one of the worst tank speccs in RBG history)
  • Gear - This is the biggest issue right now, and the most important reason why we play in premades. The difference in output just because of gear (including legendaries, tier-set-boni) has been too big in Shadowlands. Luckily this will change with Dragon Flight.

For me, as a high-skilled player, it has been very frustrating to join games where the only healer on our side has 40k HP, while the enemy has some “normal value” of 100k hp. In most scenarios, you already lost the game with such a healer difference. Besides the social reasons (you make friends in PvP-Communities, its funnier to play with friends), this gearing problem is the biggest motivation to play in premades.

It is not even about “lets farm these randoms with our 9/9 ranked gear”, it is about having some “normal” gear for the actual state of the season, with all the bulls*it PvE stuff needed (needed, because it is so strong) - Legendaries, TierSets, Conduits, etc.


Some things I have read here:

  • "High-skilled players should go play RBG and let us alone in random BGs!" - Most of us don’t have time or motivation for that. RBGs are not fun for different reasons (abusers, win-traders, toxic LFG culture, specc-meta, team-composition, time-demanding). A lot of us just do it (if possible) because of the rated gear, since it is such a big difference (again, the gearing problem). I just want to play random BGs with my friends.

  • "Random BGs should be queueable only for single players, not groups!" - I see where this is coming from, some players don’t have the time/friends to form premade and play BGs together, but this argument is just unapologetic in an MMORPG. You are supposed to make friends in an MMORPG and play together with them, especially in the “casual” content, which random BGs are. If anything, then devs could improve queuing by matching the same amount of premade-players on both sides of the BG?

  • "If it was fair, Alliance would be losing most of the games!" - Well, you see how fckd up the faction/racial balancing has been, to have this premise in mind… You can’t blame players to want to win their BGs, even if they play for the Alliance. Losing is always frustrating, and there will always be a side losing, that is the downside of PvP.


Premades in Epic BGs

Almost everything I wrote above also applies (partly) to Epic BGs.

But, here are a lot of other motivations why people (including me) do 15-40 player premades for epics. And although I mostly enjoy this kind of gameplay (leading big group of people in massive strategic PvP battles), one that I can not get from anywhere else in WoW (I have even written an addon to lead randoms), I agree that this turns out very unfair most of the times, since the impact of a premade is bigger here (coordination being more impactful, and having a much larger group of premade people).

I don’t know a good solution for this, but we, as Alliance players, are just adapting to the conditions we were given. I got sick of leading Alliance randoms, which fail to listen to the leader or provide any means of output to win the battles. Finding a fair amount of premade (around 10 players) has been nice to have equal fights with “random” horde groups. The horde premades we encountered earlier (fado, nepha, the Russian guys) have lost ever since, which has motivated them to queue as mercenaries for the alliance :man_shrugging: So… The whole Epic BGs thing is a bit weird and difficult to control for the devs. I don’t know a good solution for this (we need one in the long run), but completely shutting down the people who play together for this content will ultimately hurt Epic BGs as a whole, I can promise you that.


There is a big thing you oversee here as a Horde player.

Many Hordes que random bgs on a fresh char. To get faster que. The other day i was in WSG and half of my ally team was merc. Hordes whit sub 50 k. Health.

Its funny you see ppl. Running a premade a problem. When its the only chance you have for a daily win as ally. Since we have to boost low geared Horde players every single game.

Talk about a fair game whit half. Of your team dont care, standing afk in green gear.

Giving for granted that you can’t possibly have a high win rate as Alliance player kinda underlines the unbalance of the racials between the two factions.
Premades will always create discontent, nobody likes to lose.
But honestly, you can’t stop people from playing with their friends or with their communities; this is what WoW is here for.
And we don’t spend our time spamming rated bgs because we don’t like it.
This doesn’t mean we didn’t do it tho.
It happens to lose, just queue up for the next game.


I would describe that man as smart :slight_smile:


Find premades yourself and stop crying.


the name is pitiful :wink: you’re just alike but i dont blame you maybe im prejudiced knowing ru horde closer or ally problems with meta classes and low pvp population… i just cant get the point fighting whole time no strike back what is it all for? cute stat?) isnt it get boring? im playing with const friends you rotate people we are not the same :face_with_hand_over_mouth: no offence

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You can play with friends, but I can’t. Makes sense.
I play with the same group of people since Legion.
And to us, this is fun.

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What part in RANDOM Battleground you premade enthousiasts do you not understand ?
R-A-N-D-O-M Battleground, not P-R-E-M-A-D-E Battleground.

ITEM #2 : To us, Premades are fun.
What ? You can have fun, but I can’t. Makes sense ?

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i do it occasionaly you wont show up solo)

Random means NOT RATED. It does not mean SOLO queue. People are allowed to group up with whoever they want.




Made, done, or happening without method or conscious decision.
“apparently random violence” / “a random moronic monk on wow forum”

Premade is done with conscious decision, since you’re picking whoever you want.
SO, it goes against randomness concept.


And no, random doesn’t mean “not rated”. It means random. Capiche ?

You can’t stop people from grouping up with their friends or play with their community members. Get over it, and group up yourself.

Still, do you realise what you said was dumb ?
HOW did you came up with such a stupid idea ?
AT WHAT POINT did you think to yourself “oh my, that is such a counter” ?
WHERE are you going ?


How dumb are you ?

You seem angry.
Not sure what is making you angry like this, but if it is the topic we are discussing then I suggest you stop reading or find yourself a group to play with.
You simply cannot stop people from grouping up for content in WoW.
I play random bgs, non rated bgs, with my friends, since Legion, and this is not gonna change any time soon.