Very. Don’t bother, ignorelist and move on.
i guess it means random area because another option is to play specific battelground) these bgs invented long before rated)
The “random” in random Battleground refers to the fact that the map is selected at random from the available maps. It has nothing to do with premades, it is the opposite of joining a specific Battleground, for example only playing Temple of Kotmogu.
I do not play premades myself, but honestly do not blame people for playing with them. Pugs in BGs make such stupid mistakes, like they leave bases unprotected etc., being able to guarantee that 1-5 people on your team have at least a monkey brain and are capable of basic things like to open a map ingame is already a huge advantage.
You get morons in game and in here too, look at that monk over there.
Though you’re right about “random” as random bg instead of specific bg, joining a specific battleground doesn’t change the fact that team is still picked at random, just like in a random battleground.
No matter what the “random” in random battleground characterizes, the team should always be picked randomly.
Let’s not kid ourselves and say that premades aren’t honor & gy farming, but “here to play competitively/well”, where the average pug just can’t or won’t bother.
Premades were part of the game since begining yes, but are still plaguing it.
It’s just not fair, it’s a fact, that is it.
I guess. Different people, different reasons to premade. If I played in a premade it would mostly be just to have others who are not completely braindead on my side.
I’ve spent the last week writing an essay and you guys are still crying about getting farmed in BGs? Sheeeesh.
what was the subject? why i cant do this outside the premade?)
When you queue for a RANDOM battleground you are queueing for a non specific and not rated map. You queue up and the system gives you a RANDOM map from the existing ones. This has nothing to do with premades. Many people here seem very mad, and definitely more toxic than the premades you are hating on. There are premades on both factions, and they have been a thing since the game came out. Some randoms make bgs a real nightmare; they don’t wanna learn or improve, they don’t listen to helpful calls, they are extremely toxic or they are simply afk leeching. You could find yourself a premade as well. Also - premades do face premades. Always. I always face premades on Horde, cause that is how the system works. If you don’t like your Bgs then try to improve them, you can’t keep blaming others every time you lose.
So you think its intended to Queue up with 40 ppl, if the intendet party size is 5 ppl?
If it’s not intended, they should make it impossible to do so.
Stealing is okay in reallife, becouse its possible sometimes? Okay noted.
Stealing is disallowed. Queuing with premades is not. If you want to make an analogy, you’ll have to think of something else.
5 man Premades are okay, and inteded of the system. If you bypass the Queue System with external tools. What makes you think thats okay? There is a reason why PremadeAvEnabler isnt allowed anymore, or not functioning, whatever.
Its understandable that you want to take shortcuts to win in a game, but if you play outside of the reasonable environment the game is offering and argue its allowed, becouse no one said - yet - that it isnt. That’s a moral problem.
Its also a problem that blizzard is quiet about the whole situation.
But you can think the other way round, you think it is good for the game. If a player joins a Battleground and the grp gets totally demolished so this player stops playing the game. if this repeates, the player totally stops queuen Bgs. So have you won in the long term if no one wants to play with you anymore becouse you abused the system to an extend no one without the premades has fun anymore?
We are nowhere near that point - yet -. But arguing that its okay, is worring.
We are not really gonna discuss “morally correct” here, are we?
Cause many things in the game could be debatable then…
This is still just a GAME, even if it could take a lot of our time and effort.
People that queue in premades for random always suck at PvP. If it was different they’d queue into RBG instead.
This thread pretty much proves the problem with that kind of people.
If they all suck then it will not be a problem for you to win!
not even close
How many Glads have you got?
If you’re losing to people who suck, what does that make you?
So TL:DR its winning at all costs, even if its cost of a moral compass, becouse you dont like losing. You should ask yourself if you can win, if there is no one that loses. No, right? So if you always change the odds so you always win. You basicly destroy the game.
If I fight a 1000 toddlers and lose, does that make me weak? Pretty sure you too would lose quequeing solo into a mediocore or even bad premade.
Can be true, doesn’t have to be true. Pretty sure Lockfromwish could carry a game of 10-15 PvP if he quequed with just his 2 3v3 partners easily. That doesn’t mean the other seven people are better players than on the other side.
I too played with a premade back in the BG-hero times and did it again in Classic WoW during the r14 grind, most of the time (from personal experience) in a premade its a handful of players carrying and calling shots, the rest is just there to be remotely sufficiently geared and to not do braindead stuff like solointing BS on arathi basin.