Remove restriction on number of Death Knights per server

I was wondering if we have had any news I’ve missed regarding having multiple Death Knights created on a single realm?
I know you can create a new one on a different server and transfer it (and all of the permutations of that) but I’m hoping we can maybe create multiple Death Knights on a single server before Mists of Pandaria Classic (or whenever the restriction was lifted in retail).

Why do you need more than 1?

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  1. wanting to tank two raids and preferring BDK to other tanking classes - even personally, not even considering what raid leaders prefer…

  2. preferring DKs generally to other classes and wanting to do one raid as blood and another one as frost / unholy

Or any of 146 other reasons, those just come up as the first. I too, btw., don’t see any reason to keep the limitation up - the idea of a “hero class,” which it was when WotLK originally launched, is long past now…and as a QoL change, this limitation would make some people happy and would in no way harm anyone else…

Maybe you can delete the first DK and make a second one then restore the first one.
People used to do that with DH’s when they were limited and made 2 DH’s that way.