Please remove all ret pvp nerfs so this class can actually do some damage single target .
Buff final verdict our main holy power spender needs to feel like it actually does something BTW! Or if no buff change the name to final tickle please
Please remove all ret pvp nerfs so this class can actually do some damage single target .
Buff final verdict our main holy power spender needs to feel like it actually does something BTW! Or if no buff change the name to final tickle please
But ret is doing ok in m+
This will be answer by some people.
Only if they dont know that most dmg in pvp is nerfed to some degree.
Be it the Burst CDs, the healing of basically everything down to the abilities themselfs.
For example i think Hammer of Light only does 0.8 (80%) of its dmg in pvp. So its not only that we do less dmg while wings are up in pvp compared to pve, everything else does less aswell.
Un-nerfing this has 0 effect on PvE.
Imo its shortsighted solution to just increase dmg and usualy leads to a bigger backlash nerf later on.
What needs to happen is whatever future classes they have in mind, cancel them and give their planned abilities to Paladins! Its that or paladins remain the purist vanilla class that it is!
Many changes over the years yet nothing changed, the spec is stuck!
Ret is not the only class suffering from these pvp nerfs i dont understand why blizzard do it no wonder people are quitting the game because they cant play the classes they want to play.
Some classes are literally one shotting right now but that ok because they are a rogue or a mage this is fine in blizzard eyes every season.
And thats what makes it all irrelevant as everyone gets them. Thats why im NOT asking for a dmg buff and never will.
What Rets ARE suffering from is
They added range to a MELEE class (but removed range from our stun at the same time) because they cant come up with a way for Rets to get a gapcloser without “homogenization” a rule that ONLY applies to Ret from what i see.
Other classes can share in leaps, charges, teleports, MS debuff, Freedom (or emancipate like), bubbles and divine steed (tbh its just a glorified sprint but the look was atleast unique to paladins) etc.
Its a double standard that blizz has made for the class and this class alone!
To be honest i dont have any trouble getting to my targets yeah it can be a pain sometime but always connecting when i need to the problem is even though im purple parsing while on a kill target the dmg is still meh i have broken my new keyboard playing ret this season and only managed to get to 2.3 almost so far
And that crapshow is happening again.
While some classes are left to do insane amount of damage others are getting big nerfs and made into a joke.
More and more classes are getting puchbacks of some kind, we have 0 counters for this. Its always fun when one of those classes are FC and are on a floor above with it. Against a rogue, warrior and DKs they have to outplay them for the pushback to be effective. Against a paladin the minimum effort with positioning is whats needed.
It always comes back to bubble in the end as the simple answer to everything.
We cant get new abilities cuz we have bubble and the same goes for dmg.
Its the anchor that needs to be removed, its unhealthy for the game and unhealthy for further development for the class.