Remove shadow crash

Remove shadow crash void torrent add back real dot spreading start with making Mind blast spread VT.

Or for the love of god make shadow feel fun again.


trash this gabo ability hits the roof on Black Rook hold when tanks pulls 25 adds feelsbadman.


or make it no cd aoe spender for dots spreading, with low damage output itself…

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no cd no dmg/mini dmg would be fine and would give a lot of QoL

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Just remove it it sucks.

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I never like the ability such clunky, but people start playing it in M+ back then wenn it sim a view Dps more, eaven nobady that pic it consider you have too hit everytime all targets etc.

And know they wont too force us into it for AOE

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Shadow crash with void torrent void bolt and now they are forcing us back to season two shaite thing i hate having no aoe like literally none what so ever in low keys adds die to fast like.

With mind bender i atlest can do aoe dps.

shadow crash void torrent void bolt is the clunkiest fiesta ever i hope they remove it personally hate it.

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I like physik link
They just need too add Mindblast spread your VT and last point on Mindbender shorten the cd with some abilitys

I like the season 3 set bonus its fun more fun than i had in season 2 having no aoe or ST.

I don’t like the fact we are going back to that trash set with us force locking in to 2 under tuned traits N’zoth and [Idol of Yogg-Saron] they should really make

VOID ← an fourth specc for people that wanna use void torrent and void bolt and spawn [Idol of C’Thun] and focus on Mind flay


SHADOW ← and 3rd specc for people that want to use mind bender and dark ascension. (make mind bender an permanent pet and focus on mind spike (make the 2 set we got in season 3 its focus that shadow word death hits multiple times)

Make [Silence] [Dispersion] [Psychic Horror] [Mental Fortitude] in to the left side priest talent three. Remove Mind games. Add doors of shadow with instant cast and movement speed. Make Void form and Dark ascension instant cast

also make mind blast cleave with [Vampiric Touch] spreading on to other targets.

Remove shadow crash. remove [Power Infusion] and make [Power Infusion] in to hero.

Nothing but a small meaningless buff. No reworked dot spread.

Hate how often Shadow Crash misses half the mobs, or you hit the environment because your mouseover cast was a pixel over something in the foreground hitting the ceiling instead.

Damn ability needs to have a bigger radius, and perhaps a new macro function to cast on target as oposed to mouseover.

Sucks our AoE is on a 20s and 40s CD… doing old content, like Korthia for them portaling in Rares, I spec into Holy Nova to kill dozens of trash mobs on you.


Personally I feel like each year we devolved down from something that is boring but work down to something that is very boring but doesn’t work until the last weeks of a last patch release.

I like the setup with Mind bender i hate void bolt and shadow crash and void torrent it doesn’t fill the fun factor having to willy wonka a void bolt to keep dots up knowing how much better the other classes are at doing aoe and dps

I personally think they should make mind blast dot spread [Vampiric Touch]
Also I like the set bonus with [Shadow Word: Death] hits more and powering up the Pain but they should make it affect Mind blast instead of pain dots should just be an application not a RNG circle of pure RNG that feels like a sloppy joe.

Mind bender is fun to use i don’t get why they don’t focused more on the fun factor they have the tools to make mind bender work remove the boring void bolt system. Its outdated and boring make dot application and mind bender aoe funnier.

Also [Idol of Yogg-Saron] works so well with the shadow word death set and etc they should focuses more on handling [Devouring Plague]and you get buffed more haste and etc when using Devouring Plague.

Make [Devouring Plague] cleave when you have more targets close like Cascade use to do in WOD and MOP.

Remove Power infusion make it in to a hero and make a glyph for void form to use [Dark Ascension] and make it instant cast.

Also make mind bender an permanent pet.

There just fixed something so boring and doom. Remove shadow crash.

I think as a whole they should redesign it in the next expack remove shadow crash add better dot spread.

They could redesign Vt too be spread by mindblast and
And shadow crash should leave a zone on the ground that still inflict adds with VT, so if you dont hit all mobs or the tank keep pulling you got a change that the all get VT if the get pulled into it

remove void bolt remove shadow crash add a glyph for void for to be like dark ascension make barber shop for shadow form.

Remove shadow crash make mind blast spread VT and shadow word death spread shadow word pain.

I play a lot of M+ latley where you have too play it and holy i start too hate voidbolt more and more
The radius is way too small
Vt always run out a sec or so bevor the next one is rdy
You still have too manuel dot all the time too holt Voidbolt if the tank add later more mobs
If the zone isnt perfect flat there is a change it doesnt hit at all

You are right just delete this nonsense

I like shadow crash gameplay, but they should remove cd. Then will be great.

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My biggest no go off shadowcrash is there is no alternativ its the only option for AoE damage in the mid raw, the one talent point that VT go4 a 2cnd insta cast every 15 sec its not a good option too spread VT

For psychic link damage you need it only for mindbender its optional all other aoe damage needs your Dot effect up witch is mad too apply manuel

Edit: i sim it and not taking bolt is in my case ruff a 30%Dps loose in dungeon

they should just go crazy with shadow priest make everything spread dot like mind blast shadow word death make it co exists with dot spreading go wild i prefer if the lead designers interpret dot spread to another lvl of game play.

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I hope hero talent voidweaver helps out with dot spreading, that would be cool