I started playing on an Alliance server to NOT be outnumbered by horde 10:1
Yes please I second this, remove sharding. If need be force us to see our realm’s explicitly without party merges.
Its not fun being on dead realms where there is 0 competition.
Sharding is breaking the game. Has been for a long time.
Sharding is the thing that actually tries to balance realm ratios. However, when in global scale there is 1:5 ratio of ally vs horde in WM, then this system is doomed.
a) somehow get alliance players into WMON
b) allow Mercenaries like during WoD Ashran
I joined server with 50:50 faction ratio… didnt help. After server merges and crossrealms, its clusterfock anyway. And sharding doesnt help it at all. Just in a way that you can always join a winning side via lfg tool…
Realms have varying faction balance, how does it help the majority to just remove sharding?
Sharding is a least worst solution. Alternatives to sharding I’ve seen posted all have downsides.
Can you suggest an alternative that meets this criteria?
A. Solves your problem.
B. Does not negatively impact others.
C. Does not create a new problem.
Not easy to do. For example, people don’t like other players appearing and disappearing - but increasing the amount that sharding enforces faction balance would make that more frequent. There has to be a happy medium. Just getting rid of it, would return us to inconsistent pops from server to server.
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