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Quite the conundrum. You claim both are virtually the same, yet that one game promotes toxicity more

Design wise its the same.

You have dungeons here and there, You have holy trinity here and there, You have super hard version of raids here and there, You have proffesions here and there…

Basically same game, but for some reason ist WoW community that is toxic…I am wondering why.

The only thing I can think of its the push for elitism with KSM and those events on twitch where best guild pushes keys and Mythic realm first for raids…but it has nothing to do with RDF.

I would say that nobody wants to play the game anymore, everybody wants to win the game + somehow humiliate their opponents. That ends up in monofaction megaservers and when you cant kill the opposite faction, because its missing, you turn your wrath on your own kin :smiley:

Yeah people toxic no matter you make group via lfg tool, bulleting or rfd. But on rfd I spent less time with those toxic people so yay RDF is really nice

99% effective medicine is the same as 1% effective medicine in your mind? Or how should I interpret this as anything but equating “bad happens = bad happens regardless of how frequent it is”.

If you want to have an more friendly experience in your party you can use the new useless tool and mark your party as new player friendly but you gotto face the thing that wow had the most toxic community when comes to dungeon and bgs. Other then that it’s nice so RFD shortening this experience so it’s much better than useless lfg bulletin on that matter.

Also if you would play any wotlk content recently you could simply understand rfd just a convenient tool that you go lvl up faster and accesing lvl 80 dungeons easier while doing other stuff so it’s not about social interaction why Blizz not putting in game it’s about making people questing in Azeroth again which most majority of wotlk and tbc players don’t like cause we are not playing vanilla anymore and getting max lvl much more fun than vanilla’s lvling experience is fun argument and so that they can sell boosts.

So younare supporting Blizzard’s boosting to 68 and getting more bots, more gold inflation, more RMT, more gdkp runs. Good job friend.

This is where I stop caring. This is a Cataclysm attitude where convenience and gogogogogo-mentality rules and determines everything in dungeons. In RDF there’s no reason to care about anyone as if they make a mistake you simply vote kick them and keep on going.

The social experience is core to the Classic WoW experience.

lol you never did one dungeons in Cataclysm to say that.

There is only one down side to RFD and people need w/e they wants and often times ninja stuff which you can avoid by making RFD that contains only players in the server.

No gogogogogo mentality most of the time coming from min maxers and has nothing with the wanting rdf. But w/o rdf there will be tons of people that looks for tanks, also there will be hard time for newer players that would like to get an inv to party due to " what’s your gs or ilvl?" questions which is the most asked question Wotlk so nothing like TBC there even dpsses gonna have hard time doing getting into parties with blues. What simply you can’t understand you people is RDF solves the equality to players that wanna do dungeons, cleans chats from LF TANK spams and making us not travel all across the Northrend all day for hcs to get done. You will suffer leveling due to old world still old and questing is sucks on Azeroth ( if you don’t agree with me check vanilla guide for 30 to 40 and tell me how many areas you need to go back and forth ) and having no RDF won’t make any improvement on social ignorance in 5 man content of WoW that’s it. But you are welcome to daydream with your anti rdf support I hope I will be wrong and none of the things that I am saying won’t happen - but it will :wink:

Yeah true. Cata 5 man content was better than Wotlk. It was actually hard and challenging but people just talk they will talk anyways.

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They nerfed heroics to be way too easy.

That just doesn’t happen when there’s no incentive.

If you can’t find groups for heroic dungeons without RDF that really is a you problem. I don’t care about min-maxing and I don’t care about players like you that just want the sparrow to come flying with a knife and fork already in its back.

For a while, and then they nerfed it to be easier than what normal dungeons used to be (comparatively).

I can I will but if you are saying we have really smooth group finding on vanilla and tbc I would like to ask you on dps point of view how exactly can be good w/o paying gold, w/o waiting your tank friend to show up, w/o asking guildies to take you to dungeons, w/o needing anyone but yourself making group how? There is no me silly I find my groups, I got my guild, I play as a tank not even care about silly other plate wearers so get 1 rogue 2 casters that easy and do w/e dungeon I want. I am talking about the majority of classes that have no tank or healing spec and what will they face in WotLK which they faced all through vanilla and tbc.

If you are saying making or finding a party for 5 man content is really nice and friend on TBC and vanilla I will say that you have never played those even so not on endgame even with endgame you most likely were healer or tank that found your groups.

It’s not about me I mean tping dungeons would be nice for me other then that nothing really effects on my 5 man dungeons I will be done with them in 4 days tops if I am unlucky a week then gonna farm naxx with 2 chars that’s it. This is about people will try wotlk on later on when ulduar comes, this is about when people level their alts, this is about people with only dps specs, this is about not forcing people to tank or heal if they don’t want to, this is about being free when you are waiting for your queue, this is about not travelling whole over the Azeroth to get 2 quests done while I can just go to dungeon and farm there. But I guess I don’t care about you cause you people just hypocrite useless hollow that caring about people’s experience but actually making it worse and more hostile towards to players so go ahead man support your anti RDF agenda and again saying I hope I am wrong but you know I am right but be like that with that not illidan dropped blindfolds and push your agenda by saying " Ow I am finding groups ow yea you don’t have friends playing wow so f.u go play ff14 or retail we are cool kids you can’t play with us". What useless junk you are.

Yes, because the “Cataclysm attitude” like you said is from the famous Wotlk :slight_smile:
“oh omg this is not normal, 2h to clean a dg Blizzard wtf why there is more tactic than a Wotlk raid”

The fault is directly from Wotlk players.

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