Remove spite trinket

And with it corruptions please.

Or change it that it breaks cc. It makes comps like RMP even dumber than they already are.


And Thats hard makeing rmp more stupid then they are.

Still we should remove Corruption in Arena And all the pve trinkets

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After, again, spending a good minute in cc withing the spite trinket i want to push this threat so they finally remove that garbage trinket.

No matter what sort of mechanic gets added to the game.

No matter what gear and trinkets gets added to the game.

No matter what progression system gets added to the game.

RMX will always be the comp that benefits the most from it.

A single exception this expansion is Crucible of Storms gear, where trident and void stone was a thing.

Trident granted, but RMX benefited from Void Stone just as everyone else.

Ye, AT LEAST make it put players in combat. Sitting 3x Spite and getting sapped in it is beyond stupid. Also why does it work on cycloned targets??
0 Logic :man_facepalming:t2:


Doesn’t care in Berserker Rage and Bladestorm

i want corruption completely removed from the game

I think they should remove it and also make it so the amount of corruption you can bring to arena is restricted. Basically so long as you can bring insane levels of corruption, it should exist and tbh I think they should just make it like a maledict instead.

Seems you should be able to punish high corruption but the trinket is dumb (and high corruption is dumb).

Would be a good Change atleast

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