Remove the cooldown on feline stomp

Remove the cooldown on feline stomp.

One bad placement or unlucky reset = wipe.

Remove the cooldown on feline stomp.

Or better yet, just delete it from the game.

just remove that anti-monk mobility ability already, there is no reason for us to use this -’s not even worth the %dmg it adds !
you simply cant play w/o crane kick (and all belonging point in the tree) even if it suck now damage wise. If you take fealine, you must give up on some other stuff really needed.
OK if you wanna play a ST build, you have no other choice, but even then you’ll be so slightly above aoe build, then you gonna end up in a dead end, eg you now have no potent aoe and your ST will suck anyway…

really , really it’s bad tree design.

More like remove the spell


400% agreed

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