Remove the M+ timer

Goodevening Everyone,
I am Rabies the magnificent, its an honour.

For many many years, the first two weeks of an expansion are the best.
You stand infront of dungeons you know NOTHING ABOUT. You have never seen what the baddies do. And learning, experiencing it, is amazing.

In classic, dungeons are a part of the game and some are quite harder then others.
Dying, had no penalty. It was part of the challenge. Boss is hard, try different tactics, try again.
Upon death it did not affect your loot in the end, your achievements, your accomplishments.
That feeling when that boss finaly goes doen. Its amazing.

Mythic+ should give that feeling. Sure its the same dungeon over and over again. But they get harder, you get extra affixes, stuff to take care off.
Its fun… for the first few weeks… Then the timer starts to ruin things.

Not only does the Mythic+ timer create a horrible toxic enviroment of people leaving keys after the slightest mistakes, it takes away that sense of adventure. If you die twice, the key wont time, its a waste of time so people abandon the key.

Remove the timer in Mythic Plus. Keep the challenge. If someone wants to spend 4 hours on a key wihtout risking their reward, it should be their own choice.

It will create a less toxic enviroment while still keeping it a challenge.

It will also create more tanks. I myself used to tank in my lazy days. I still do, but only Raids. I dont tank Mythic+. The timer, its too hard, i play the game to relax.

I dont do many keys, because of the timer and the toxic environment it creates.
Now make no mistake. Most toxic environments can be fixed by not pugging. I agree, even IF i do keys its with as many friends as possible. But one toxic tank, one toxic healer, one toxic dps can ruin your entire run. And there are so many effing toxic people out there.

No timer creates more Healers, More tanks, more fun, less toxic behaviour.

The Timer has been a great experiment and it does not work. It is not worth it.
Remove the timer. Bring back the fun of the challenge, without an unnecessary timer.

Kind regards

Rabies the Magnificent


Please no, go check one of gazilion of other topics about this why it is bad idea . Thanks .


You can just create your own groups clearly stating you intend to finish the dungeon disregarding the timer. There’s plenty of people that will sign up.

It does work. It is worth it.

Not that i want to into detail about the rest of your topic since i think we are just disagreeing on a lot. But we can both have our oppinion. But you can just spend as long as you want in a key without losing reward. There is nothing holding you :slight_smile:

I don’t see why there couldn’t be another form of dungeoneering that is challenging without having a timer alongside M+.
There is room in the game for both types of dungeon. I think one could be called Heroic and be tough like they were back in TBC and one could be called Mythic and work like M+ now. Normal dungeons would be easy entry level then you decide to do Heroic or Mythic depending on your preferred playstyle.

Also I’d make Mythic be Free-for-All, no roles just five players of any class / spec. Mechanics would need to change slightly do adjust for fewer tanks and healers but I’m sure that could be done. This is for a different topic though.

How does it work?
Pugging a key is like russian roulette.
You cannot just replace a failing dps, if someone leaves, its over. if someone DC its over. With Raids, and mythics, that it not the case and yet the challenge is there.

The timer creates unnecessary pressure that benifits noone. It does not increase the challenge in a fun way.


For you.

There’s plenty of us that enjoy it.

I don’t understand this. Mythic plus is a challenge for people who understand the mechanics and can push themselves to another level of game play.
Why someone who can’t time the dungeon should be rewarded at the same level as someone who can 2 chest it?
Not everyone plays at the same level, maybe you should find a level at your skill level you’re comfortable with and capable of doing. Not everyone needs a keystone master mount.
I’m really bad at pvp, concept of it eludes me and I don’t do it. Why should a group of people suffer because I’m bad?
As for toxicity, yeah it’s a part of it, but why would I waste my time if the dungeon is going to fail? Although, I pugged +20s last season and completed them all in time.

Move on.

I don’t “experience” dungeons and learn. I educate myself before i go so i’m not a lazy do-nothing and am of actual value to my group. Timers are no problem at all if everyone puts in some effort and actually researches beforehand.

Time is the challange. Dying is not a challange. Dont die and the timer wont be an issue. Easy

its called raid

Timer is bad it’s the issue that creates toxicity why can’t we just have a super difficult dungeon without timer?.

because people will wait 10 min after each pack to have BL ready

I think it’s fun in its own way as long as players don’t panic and continue the run even if something goes wrong.

And it’s extra incentive to be active, to think about your actions, how to pull, when to stop dps and avoid crap.

The only bad thing about timers is some players.

Thats not how this game works.
When you die, you try again, untill you stop dying.
The timer Punishes you for dying.

Then… LET THEM, if thats what people want, i wouldnt.

Unless we get some kind of system where leavers are punished, then the timer has to go. Its Complete extrement.

Raids are amazing, a core of this game.

However, M+ is vastly superior when it comes to loot. If you’re lucky that is. Unlike me who gets 6 gloves drop out of 10 dungeons.

But thats not the point.
The challenge is completing the dungeon. The timer is preventing somany people from doing so in exchange for abysmal drops.

The timer can stay.
You will form a group and ignore the timer.
gg for all.

The timer does not stop the dungeon :slight_smile: Just keep going.

And then you get punished like crazy.
The key goes down in level the ammount of gear you get drops.
You are punished HARD for losing the timer.

Then don’t lose to the timer??

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