Remove the pvp vendors

Can I suggest that

… in this context be (pedantically) reworded as “fast thinking players”…?

They should just bring back original resilience as secondary stat on pvp items (maybe with damage/healing multiplier too), not this versa bs.

They’re good players.
Rewording it out of jealousy / spite doesn’t change the fact that they’re good at the game they play.

I would posit that fast thinking would include those making use of ‘systems’ that didn’t reward skill… but in-game currency; I wouldn’t like to be - for example - a top 5% PvP player (on skill) that was compared to another that ‘bought their way’ to get the same set of gear, but…

… as OP said.

imagon touse craftable gear in beta what gave +4% damage incrase agaist humanoids …
u craft all 11 peaces it is 44% damage increse + Ver damage increse :smiley:
( can be this the ilvl 235 craftable epic gear we getting in 9.1.0 )
it is way better then current pvp gear :rofl:

Why? because a random nobody on the forums say so? :joy:

Gimme a break


Ungodly level dilemma:

PvP vendors that only take currency gained from doing content - “Too grindy”
PvP content that rewards items from a chest at the end of the encounter of choice - “Too random; takes ‘ages’ to get a full set”

if you mean getting/making a crafted set of gear & trading it for a PvP-focussed alternative - but the SAME iL - at a vendor, with a token gained through PvP content… then I’d agree.

Add a PvP stat, cap conquest PvP gear at heroic raid level and give cosmetic rewards for higher ratings instead.

Level playing field for PvPers with gear that is achievable for everyone and mythic raiding will still be on top ilvl-wise.

I see that a parallel could be established that (WF! only?) Mythic Raiders & top 1-5% (what percentage get the Elite rewards?) PvP players are given equal status in their own fields, but their gear be rendered incompatible “cross-platform” (can’t think of a better way to describe it).

… or even that the better the gear is for one field, the more incompatible it becomes for the same level in the opposing field…

u still playin demo in arenas?

Seperate the gear or lower the ilvl of PvP-gear and add WoD scaling instead.

It is ONLY an issue because gear is usably in every kind of content without any downside.

Edit: isn’t it great? PvP vendors were added for the PvPers and now they have to be removed because PvEers abused it. Fun stuff. Just like M+ had to be nerfed for Mythic Raiding tears.

I think the iL scale should remain parallel across both fields, but cross-compatibility be ‘compromised’… is that close to what you meant?

Blizzard dev’s, in a nut-shell…

certainly not, let us keep a way of gearing up that doesnt include doing this horrible boring campaign or m+

Pretty much yes. Before it used to be a burden due to lacking 50% of the secondaries. Now Versatility is the PvP stat which for some specs is the main off-stat for PvE and pretty decent overall for other specs.

And the other way around is problematic too, but on a different level.

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A PvP stat would separate the two out without the need to remove any vendors.

pvp res and pvp power like in Mop ?

Remove raids nothing good comes from them.

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The PvP vendor was literally the best change they made with shadowlands, please please please let it stay.

Yeah that way it neither PvE nor PvP are forced onto the other. They each have their own gearing.