Remove the requirement of other people to get runes

game is dead only people in low level zones are bots , can’t get a rune because i need other with fire spells , literal garbage. FIX THANKS.

all phase 1-3 runes should be purchasable from a vendor in phase 4. straight up.

leave the quests in the game for those who want to save a copper or two while they are out questing (oh theres a rune there, might as well do that one while doing this quest since its close by) assuming they don’t sit inside incursions all day (now they won’t as incursions are being turned into a daily quest hub).

there’s like 32 runes per class in the game right now and getting them all for mains and alts is a big ask at this point.
it was okay-ish in phase 1 and 2, but we need a vendor for the old runes now.

make phase 1 runes the cheapest.
phase 2 runes mid-tier pricing.
phase 3 higher price.
phase 4 runes obviously not part of the vendor since that will be current content.

on that note; bro i hope they aren’t planning on making the underwhelming ring runes questlines, that would be megakek.