#remove void form

I have played priest for a long time thinking of getting back to wow. I hope they remove this dreadful ability.


But you are back?

You have played during 2019 and basically all 2020 according to your achievements here and there.

Also you used your alt (Rekir-Blade’s Edge) to comment on my thread and then you acted like a returning player creating a new thread.

I mean now you just need to create a #removevoidform with your rogue (Morgdar-Blade’s Edge) and like your post with another of your alt so you will reach the peak of sadness.

What’s sad is you’re so upset about this that you went out of your own thread just to comment on this person’s post about that exact thread.

How about you go have a peak at the NA forums, hm?


I am not upset, i simply hate people using their alts to over amplify the outcry and I simply called him out for it.

Would you think it would be fine if I started using 20 alts to open 20 topic? Are you serious?

No that would be stupid, it does not matter if Is pro or against VF, is stupid period.

Exactly why my topic exist. And I am thankful I don’t have to deal with the witch hunt that exist in that place.

Don’t underestimate how rough us Europeans can burn people. We’re just more chill in general.

Oh and #removevoidform


they’ve already surrendered to madness



They said they won’t be doing any more class reworks (like Shaman and Warlock), so sadly I can’t see them doing anything with void form as it would require a fairly big overhaul.

#removevoidform, why fix what isnt broken? Blizzard seriously need to take majority of the classes back to mop.



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Absolutely get rid of the damned voidform.

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In preach interview he asked about sp and ion did say they are aware.
Let’s see how it goes, I really want to swap to so but voidform keeps me away from it.

In which interview?
I remember that he asked Morgan Day about sp in early alpha…they said theyre aware- result of that was devouring plague.

Or do you mean something new?

The last about covenants, he touched it in the very end.

Agree 100% Voidform play is just aweful. I want to main shadow priest for Shadowlands… but Voidform play is just bad. Go back to “Shadow Orbs” easier to balance too

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Ye ive checked that, thanks.

So we have been acknowledged…for the thirth time…i wonder if we are going to be acknowledged in 9.0 too…with awkward laught at the end of interview

I love your mike tyson thypo

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I want to leave a YouTube video I came across.
This would make me main one, demo warlock fury system before dh came and stole everything from us.
Share this on discord, new forum post, spamm this.
Sp deserves to be fun to play.


They have been aware of the problems for since before BfA launched and still didn’t do anything about it. Aware doesn’t equal doing something about it.
As long they don’t actually speak with the community about these problems (no, a simple “we are aware” at some random youtuber’s interview / talk doesn’t count) and showing that they are actually willing to do something, and not just in 2 or 4 years time (no, bandaids don’t count), people should spam them til they are actually forced to answer.

They claim to be actually listening and saying people should give more feedback just to ignore it. The #removevoidform (I hate hashtags btw) is born out of Blizzards ignorance, as feedback was given for a long time but ignored.

They don’t even discuss with the community how void form might be fixed. They slap bandaids on the spec that are simply not working in addressing the problems.

The SP spec isn’t the only thing Blizz is having a hard time to actually listen und change stuff. They seem really stubborn and hard-headed. Must actually be painful for them to do changes after it turned out that the community was right. It’s not like many people are absolutly fine with how SP is, not matter if they want to keep VF or get rid of it. I’m fine with either as long as they finally DO SOMETHING that is not a bandaid and instead of ignoring the community.

And no, not being vocal doesn’t mean people don’t care or are fine. Or do you want to return to living in caves, as only a minority actually advanced mankind? The whole of mankind being content would mean mankind would stagnate.
But even if you are content at the moment, once you get a taste of something better, you will want it too.


THAT is 100% how Shadow Priest should be played!

Also wrote a post at Warlocks forum about how i think Blizzard should go back to 5.4 Demolocks. They where perfect!

Really hope #removevoidform gets adressed by Blizzard soon :frowning:

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