
I’m just leaving this here because I’m totally and utterly defeated that shadow isn’t going to see any meaningful change in Shadowlands.

I’m sorry for all the priests that used to enjoy the spec pre-legion, my heart truly does go out to you.

I know Blizzard doesn’t read these forums, even less so the EU forums, but this will be my last stand, and my solidarity with all of you.


I like SP the way it is at the moment for PvE.

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From what I’ve seen, you’re in the minority there. SP has probably been the loudest crowd in terms of being upset with their spec.
I’d probably dust off SP and try again if they reworked it and removed void form.


Please provide your full poll of all SP’s to show what they really feel. That would be the minimum requirement for anyone to take that post seriously.

It’s not worth my time to compile a complete list, but here’s one you replied to just yesterday

Then there’s the threads where people ask for opinions on SP and if it’s worth playing

You’ll see amazing testimonies such as:

  • In their current state? No.
  • if Blizzard ever introduced a Class Change service I would use it in a heartbeat.
  • I will definitely not be playing my priest as my main spec if it remains in its current state.
  • Well hopes for spriest revamp back to mop/cata playstyle announced at 9 th June. Otherwise meh…not likely
  • It’ll either be unsubscribe or maining a warlock for me if it stays as it is.
  • It’s just too depressing to play it.
  • If insanity wont leave, i will. Simple.
  • SO yes, I will quit the game too, if they left shadow as it is.
  • the community is very clear Blizz, #removevoidform and bring back DP with orbs
  • I’m leveling a sub rogue, as it feels more Shadow : p

These are just a few statements from SPs. I ripped them directly from the thread. They are extremely vocal, careful to warn people about playing them, and for good reason.


Again please post evidence, those threads are worthless. If you had a clue about anything you would not have posted that non sense.

Please show what percentage of SP’s in your poll that are unhappy and number of SP’s that are happy. If you can’t then shut up you don’t speak for anyone but yourself, you know nothing of the opinions of SP’s. I expect you to provide the method and data from your poll as well.

Testimonies is what a charlatan relies on.

How is a poll any different from a testimony? It’s still just a person saying whether they like or dislike something.

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If someone gives a testimony they are providing Anecdotal evidence.

Anecdotal evidence, does not qualify as scientific evidence, because its nature prevents it from being investigated by the scientific method. Where only one or a few anecdotes are presented, there is a larger chance that they may be unreliable due to [cherry-picked] or otherwise [non-representative] samples of typical cases.

Similarly, psychologists have found that due to [cognitive bias] people are more likely to remember notable or unusual examples rather than typical examples.

Thus, even when accurate, anecdotal evidence is not necessarily representative of a typical experience. Accurate determination of whether an anecdote is typical requires [statistical] evidence.

Thus, I am asking you for [statistical] evidence.

This way I can filter out poeple with agenda’s or running propaganda campaigns. That can’t provided anything other than personal attacks, testimonies (false or otherwise) and can’t debate with any depth because they don’t know anything. Demagogue types etc (who proclaim themselves as speaking for the masses), self proclaimed experts and players posting to themselves using their 12 charactors (so nice everyone agrees with me).

I dont like voidform either.
Thats my official statement.
Peer revieved by my cat.


Quote after 0:06, “enjoying shadow a lot.”

This makes me laugh so hard. If YOU had half a clue about what you are talking about, you wouldn’t post a single thing on the forums.
There are multiple threads about what people think of Shadow. Sorry if you like the spec but most people, including those main it at any relevant level of difficulty do not. It’s not hard to see, you just cba to go check the other threads.

Also, let’s turn this around. Please post your evidence of most Shadow priests liking the current state of the spec.


Literally everyone that isn’t you hate it. And you should’ve caught on by now with all the hate you’re getting in every other post on here


Voidform is awful it needs to go


Idk about that. Even tho i dont like aalok i have to disagree with you on this one.

Just because ppl that like voidform and play it actualy instead of complaining on the forums doesnt meen they dont exist. I do like how current vf works on live servers with decked gear. That should be their starting point and go from there…rework talent tree etc.

Whats more likely?
A) you play and like voidform
B) you play sp and hate vf

Which player are going to post on forums? If you enjoy it, you wont be running on forums praising it to the heavens because youre busy enjoying and playing the game. Ppl that like vf propably dont even know whats going on the forums with these cringey hashtags and witch hunts against anybody who dares to like it.

It is pretty ignorant to use forum as an “litteraly everyone” metric on how ppl enjoy the spec.

And dont get me wrong…i dislike alpha sp very much too.

Just look at the NA pruest subforum. Thats the most riddiculous sh!t ive seen in a while. Its 5 ppl spamming their stupid # and hating on vf with all their hearths. using the same arguments like some ppl here do …“everyone hates voidform” “remove it, nobody wannts it” etc…and if you dare to come there and say otherwise youl be hunted down like some kind of criminal…they will demand proof why you like it and after you say why they will explain to you why is your enjoyment wrong…5-6 same ppl… also using ellipsìs as some sort of pillar of wisdom there even tho he actualy just posting feedback and dont wannt to be asociated with them.
Like some idiotic cult.

It’s getting really weird not gonna lie, I can’t help agree with the sentiment though. While I’m firmly in the “I don’t want to play another expansion of voidform” camp myself, and personally want to avoid the potential of blizzard ever entertaining the idea of it staying longer than is absolutely necessary, what’s going on there isn’t helping.

The flipside to that though, is if you don’t want voidform to stay, and you’ve been told it’s not going away in Shadowlands, nothing you can do is helping the situation. Making voidform better is arguably actively making the situation worse for you, because it’s reducing the chances of blizzard removing it in 10.0.

This is the problem, you think your opinion is supported by everyone but have no evidence. Real proof. It’s like the gearing advice, I’m right I am the expert. Question that, asked you to prove what you advise is correct? Silence and then. Bigotry and personal attacks.

It’s easy to have an opinion but I didn’t elect you to speak on my behalf. I like SP. This forum has a vocal group of morons that thinks it’s opinion is law. That critical thinking needs to be wiped out.

#removevoidform…I’m going to say my piece you say your piece

calling me a lunatic, part of a rage mob, stupid, whiny not going to make you look any better or provide any reason for Voidform to stay. Just spreading negativity.

you like Voidform good for you why are you dragging me down because I hate it?

Blizzard has constantly said they are listening to feedback so I will share my feedback and opinion which is #removevoidform

I have multiple times referenced Ellipsis posts, sorry didn’t now they had a problem with it or anyone had a problem with it. Moving forward won’t mention him. I thought they have put great effort into explaining why Voidform doesn’t work very eloquently and better then I could ever do so I constantly referenced his posts. Again I apologize it will never happen again.


I really like void form gameplay, feels a lot like D3 Wizard Archon build.
But if vast majority doesn’t like it, maybe it’s time for Blizz to look into it.

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D3 archon is nice, but if we want shadow to feel like it we’ll really need the dev that made it to take over

I get the feeling the people who main spriest dislike voidform because of its limitations. The people who play spriest as alts enjoy what it’s capible of it certain situations (like me). The opinion of the spriest mainers should be more important than us part timers. Personally I hope they can find a way to keep voidform for multitarget fight but reintroduce shadoworbs or another system that is better on ST.

Aalok have you ever agreed with a post? Or do you just look through forums for people citing opinions as facts and start an arguement? Does it make you feel big and clever? Do you get excited when you find a good post to attack? Do you really have nothing better to do?