Shadow priest Shadowlands

Hey Guyz,
I see a lot of negative feedback on shadow priests in SL. My question is will you Stilo main shadow in next expansion? Do you see anything positive about them?

Bless ya all and stay safe

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In their current state? No.

Any positives? Mind soothe is back, I guess? But ultimately SL shadow is BFA release shadow with two new changes that have actively made it even worse, so no.


I’ve done literally everything on this character since TBC (Mog collection, Quest progressions and unlocks, faction exaltations, etc. etc. etc), and I’ll be damned if I’m starting from scratch on another character.

Loathe Shadow since Legion, and if Blizzard ever introduced a Class Change service I would use it in a heartbeat.

I will definitely not be playing my priest as my main spec if it remains in its current state.
Solo content is a nightmare because our single target dps is utter trash.
PvP is a nightmare because we are immobile and squishy, with no tools to root or slow melee.
I’d rather play hunter.

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You are not optimistic at all :frowning: I think I will have to go Disc

Well hopes for spriest revamp back to mop/cata playstyle announced at 9 th June. Otherwise meh…not likely

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It’ll either be unsubscribe or maining a warlock for me if it stays as it is. Very disappointed with the complete lack of communication from Blizzard.

Tried to see info about it, had no idea used to be a thing and no idea what exactlyit does.
Can you explain a good usage of it?

Im on the holypriest side but, dont loose faith :stuck_out_tongue:
You never know how its going to end and dont forget they claimed they will add tier sets again so… That might be their “SP balancing” pack.

I know your guild is top tier but im sure if you pair shadow with that covenant that reduces allies CD’s each voidbolt cast, its going to be a valid and wanted spec inraid i guess.

Can’t say that sounds particularly enjoyable.

Even if I was reasonably content with how shadow plays in BFA, which I’m not but for this case it’s besides the point, bliz have basically broken shadows rotation in SL alpha and having played it I want nothing to do with it, at any gear or haste level.

Ive seen your explanation in another post, wont say i understood you since im trash tier shadow but honestly if the spec remains as good as it is im sure you will be able to adapt as you probaly mastered now something harder to play from what its coming in SL.

I really liked the voidbolt through channeling. Reminds me of soothing mist+vivify while channeling.

It’s nothing like that sadly, if it was I’d have less of an issue with it.

My only problem is the power infusion is not only on self, that will make RL’s force shadow to buff some healer/dps that tops off other specs. That must go.

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its second expansion where if i want to play m+ i have to push my key. Im sitting here 3rd hour clicking ducking +18 +19 groups and getting rejected all the time, while my mage and hunter friends play 3-4 dungeons meanwhile and are 2-3 lvls higher. Cone on its forti teeming and no1 want to invite us. Shadow should have much more utility. Roots from wod shuld be back and act as a balance treants. Should have enrage dispel. Maybe some kind of void misdirection. At this state shadow is garbage. I invested so many time in this character and if achievements and stuff still wont be accountwide then i will probably quit and not start with another character. Also shadow should have a personal hero button jsut because. All we got at the moment is useless fear, single target stun and 45 sec interrupt what a ducking joke… and yes i am raging after whole day of trying playing the game but getting declined for 3h straight everyday…

because ppl wannabe MDI superstars.
Ive seen shadows doing insane things, very useful and strong spec specially in fortified weeks

The thing is its just damage. I’ve been doing my fair share of keys this week in the 19-20 range. I’m doing as much damage as most other people, but when things get dangerous I’m not much use. I don’t have high opening burst to kill large dangerous packs before the tanks cds run out and he gets overwhelmed. I don’t have much in the way of mitigating incoming damage on the group like darkness or rally, I don’t have the mob control or the ability to keep things off the tank so he can recover like aoe stuns roots or knockbacks.

The list goes on, shadow can do amazing things in keys, but so can everyone else and a lot more besides.

I can understand if you find problems in 25s, tho i think priests do such or close to that numbers. But if you have problems in 19’s then i dont think the class is to blame.

Classes that have high burst damage do not have consistent damage. Shadow is the oposite, if the others can burst you cover the weak spots.

Now as for stuns, a DH that you usually will have, has one. A mw/brew/protwar has one then a 3rd one is kinda useless because of DRs. Your aoe fear tho is still useful in some situations. I do use it on my priest and can work good in many situations.
Your leap works wonders too, grab tank fear trash. Necrotic gone ETC.
Tossing a shield here and there + VE is another amazing thing, your silence and your ST stun as well.

Its not MDI superstar material, but the spec is really good overall

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Find it amazing that they’ve yet to give Shadow Priests a God damn CD for Burst… practically every other DPS has something, we don’t!

I hate the whole ramp up in damage issue SPs suffer… Dark Ascension should be a baseline ability that also adds a stack of 20 or so…

Its not that I have problems in them. Its that I foresee it becoming a problem when its relevant. Likewise, people significantly less geared than me are going to see it become a problem in keys that are relevant to them, that is the crux of the issue.

Good relative to what? Better specs being played badly?

I frankly think it went too far the other way. I don’t want a burst cd, maybe something to skip the initial ramp every now and again (That’s what DA was supposed to do, but then COI LI became the damage and we know where that’s left us). Not every spec should be a fire mage or a ret paladin. Cds should be weaker, and sustain should be stronger across the board, then us being on the opposite end wouldn’t feel so out of place.

Then youre not playing a META class and you should not have high expectations, people maxing @28’s shadows maxing at 26’s. Big problem?
You are pretty great spec on raiding, yet a WW does not exist in your guild. Why? Because its not as good as you are. Think of it this way.

Shadow does hit 25’s and 26 even if you check rio, no offence but you mostly have 0 xp from the past BFA M+ seasons now you complain because you “foresee it becoming a problem when its relevant” and want to push over 20’s and priest is the fault here?

Shadow is fine, by looking your RIO page you just outgeared content with corruptions. You did not progress it, if you had progressed the M+ as a few did without bis corruptions or top tier m+ gear you would have a better view of your class and toolkit overall.

Its n2 caster, for me.
Now if you wanna compete with a DH or a rogue, youre thinking it wrong. They are melees, they zugzug.