Removing Artifact Power and Titanforging has made the game worse

People ´´hated´´ Artifact Power and Titanforging.

Yet the most popular expansion since Wrath had both.


Liquid Thdlock on Twitter: “Titanforging and AP’s removal is a giant case of “you think you do but you don’t” The realization will occur soon enough for everyone :)” / Twitter

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I liked both , ppl will complain about anything .


A lot of ppl will think I am trolling, but I think AP was good as a sort of pseudo grindable currency like gold.

Gold was / is an important currency in Classic / WoW Classic. Yet the WoW token killed it. AP as a currency could not be bought for IRL money and gave the game a needed currency that could only be gotten by actually playing the game, and could not simply be bought.

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No, it’s made the game better.

Yet much fewer people play the game now than during Legion.

The only thing with both is how they were managed , most of the ap system came by playing the game . I didn’t went for farming ap ever .

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People loved titanforging. It’s blizzard that hated it. :smiley:

For me i loved both, but titanforging was something i really liked.

Titanforging is disgusting.

Artifacts where an interested progression to keep all raid content relevant trough the expansion.

An Elegant Gimmick.

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The lack of pirates in sailing ships in the carribean is ruining the planet.
Back when we had those there was no global warming. We need to get back pirates in sailing ships with cannons and cutlasses and walking the plank. Good old times.

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