Removing Blessed Hands Kills Holy Paladin in PvP

Let me just purge your main defensive: Ironbark, Barkskin. Since it’s the big defensives for druid, which you cant. Bop is hpalas biggest defensive with Lay both of them being 5min +

Hpala has been overtuned, but that was hps and lightsmith being too good which should have been nerfed. Nothing to do with Bop.

No not useless at all, but when you got a 5 minute cd it should atleast be able to be useful for more than 3 sec. Bop is worse than cocoon which doesnt get effected by dampening and is a 2 minute cooldown. Bop removes stun sure and ignores physical damage, but if you’ve ever played hpala or with 1 you would know it’ll be gone in 1-2 sec after cast.

We can also talk about sac which is supposed to get you out of cc when precast, but it doesnt. Specially not this season as they increased the cc damage cap before breaking.

Double bop is strong dont get me wrong, but yes as long as Bop isnt atleast getting a purge immunity for 2-3 sec and cooldown reduction, compared to other healers abilities it’s just not on par as a main defensive.

Sac is just bad other than being a wall since it isnt doing what it’s supposed to: Removing cc if precast.

chatgpt thread bye

ay, yo why u hating Eu peoples on the Na Forum?

you are coping, u have 42s cd wall+incresaed healing, 1min30 32% aura mastery for every1, insane holy bulkwarks+random procs of it, lay on hands its like 2min45 cd on lightsmith, u have sacrifice 1min45, and then you have bop or magic bop, and u talking about purging a dogsht 20% ironbark with 1min30 that ppl dies thru most the time haha cya

well i told it to write exactly what it did to save some time for myself. Since english is my third language it’s better that you understand my point rather than it being a post that does nothing.

I was comparing a main cd to a main cd, if you are that tilted about me explaining a point by using a comparrison well nothing i can do to help u.