Removing the pop-up NPC Speech Box?

Is there a way to remove the pop-up speech box that appears on the screen each time an NPC starts a conversation?
I am quite happy to read it in the chat pane if I need confirmation of what is being said.
I cannot find a way to stop it without downloading a 3rd party addon. Is it not optional?
If it isnt optional, which addon do you recommend? thank you

Silent world quests addon

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Should be few addons for that, try looking for BeQuiet or as mentioned above Silent World Quests.

Might be others too.


I’m not logged in atm but I’m pretty sure I used “Moveanything” addon to get rid of it.

It’s under “npctalkinghead” or some variation of “talkinghead”

IIRC lol I’ll log shortly to be sure. EDIT - ye it’s “Quest Talking Head Frame” on the moveanything addon.

Hide talking head also works.

This is what I use.

Hopefully the UI changes in 10.0 will stretch to moving stuff like this. As a proud clicker it gets a bit annoying when the text box pops up and covers my ability bars.

That’s the game just giving you a hint that you should start keybinding your stuff.

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Honestly, in 20 or so years I’ve never really needed to. This includes not only taking part in some of the hardest content other MMO’s have had to offer but straight up out performing members of my team who keybind

It’s just a comfort thing for me, I have these crappy, stubby fingers that mean I’ll never play the piano or guitar well… I usually have important stuff bound to my extra mouse buttons though if that makes you feel any better.

“Proud” and “clicker” are two words that should not be used next to each other!

The “I did better than some people that keybind” is a false comparison. It’s how much better you’d be if you used binds compared to where you are now.
I got server first HC Garrosh (crap server) back in the day as a clicker. I cringe looking back, binds are better in almost every way.

You can actually pay attention to your surroundings instead of your cursor and action bar. And personally although the transition was hard, it was satisfying.

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I want an addon that shuts up every voice line of Blightcaller.

I’ve used keybinds before, there was no marked improvement in my numbers.

This is no less a “false comparison” than what I said.

I get it, for a lot of people keybinds work, but not for me.
I have zero issues with my surroundings and I don’t need to tunnel vision on my action bars. I can see them just fine in my peripheral vision and cursor trackers mean I don’t lose sight of where I am.

Also, I’ve come to wow for a more relaxed pace, I’m not here to raid seriously or push keys, the closest I intend on getting to “end game” content is LRF and normal dungeons if I have a quest that takes me there.

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