Rename bubble to "blocks 2 moves"

Tried it ten times now with 1-3 attack moths vs frog bubbles and I’m 100% I’m not this ridiculously unlucky to always roll a low 1.
It never attacks twice to remove the bubble in one move though the description suggests it’s possible, because it “blocks 2 attacks”.
But it seems it blocks 2 MOVES or turns.
Someone confirm this and rename it please to fix the confusion.
If it blocks 2 attacks it should be able to be popped in one turn using a 1-3 hit attack, which I haven’t managed to do ever… and I can’t be this unlucky.
It always stops the players turn after absorbing 1 hit on the bubble, no matter how many hits your attack contains. That’s missleading bs.

Slicing Wind counts as one attack vs bubble, decoy, barriers etc.

No attacks of that type break a Bubble in one round.

If you used Moth Balls then this would break both charges.

Alot of people misunderstand the mechanics of pet battles don’t worry :slight_smile:

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