This dungeon is all about the 3rd boss, everything else is a challenge don’t get me wrong, but pales in comparison to stitchflesh.
The worst thing is, there’s a trifecta of problems all around the 3rd boss.
spears, all the weapons are needed to kill the 3rd boss on high keys, they don’t respawn. Name 1 dungeon that has this gimmicky mechanic.
The dmg, the bosses minions aoe aura is massively overtuned compared to every other boss.
The bugs, if it wasn’t enough for the THE ENTIRE DUNGEON INCLUDING SPEARS INCLUDING LUST INCLUDING PERFECTLY HOOKING PLATFORM BOSS PLATFORM you have a million bugs, It pulls pets, it pulls guardians, it doesn’t pull because its too close (???)
If a boss is buggy that’s fine, but don’t tune it so that the bugs DESTROY the key. It’s frustrating, annoying, upsetting and million other things. At this point stitchflesh should be the last boss
Can’t he be the first, with all three spears waiting for you in front of him, so you know way earlier in the run if the only thing you can still get out of more attempts is repair bills.
Blizz please do something with this boss. It has one difficulty right now: very hard. Key levels don’t even make a difference. I’ve been trying to farm it in +7s and simply doing tactics isn’t enough. Hooks and the fight overall requires a high level of micromanagement and practice and any mistake throws off the timing of the entire fight, leading almost guaranteed to a wipe.
Plus the DPS requirement for not getting overwhelmed by abominations is too high.