Renewed my sub today !


What is there to sub in this game?
I hate BFA and the end game. Aside from that, I love the mistweaver monk healing spells.

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Aragorn is how i see myself IRL but the reality differ of course also nice meme :sunglasses::rofl:.I wish i had trust level 3 posting memes and cool gifs is what i need YT linking aint going to cut it anymore.


You are still young and full of life you can still see the Hobbit movies its never too late.:wink: :+1:.No spoilers from me hear will you( a little Yoda talk for you).

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You tell me hun you were online yesterday in BFA and looks like you been busy getting achievements over the last month if only warcraftlogs was not a thing :thinking:
Now please spare us your usual spiteful negativity thank you and move along.


Remove “probably” :grinning:

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6 days left on my sub

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Interesting lotr fact for you: Tolkien used to live in the city I grew up in for a while and it is rumoured that he was inspired by the landscape of part of the area for middle earth.

I must admit I’ve never read the books and never seen the films :see_no_evil:



I hang my head in shame, I’ve also never watched a Star Wars film but I do have a legit reason for that - on my grave stone it will read “the only human who never watched Star Wars” and that shall be what I will be famous for :smiley:


You can’t leave until we see end cinematic for Nzoth fight.
We had a bet, Buka!


If it helps i’ve never watched a james bond movie (feels like i’m the only one). And i had lived very long before i watched star wars.

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What the?!


I’ll top it with adding that i dont like bacon, that one seems to shake ppl up aswell :laughing:

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I’m indifferent to that one, so I won’t hold that one against you! The others though…


I did enjoy sw when i finally saw them. Might end up with a james bond bingeing before i die. Dont even know why i’ve never seen any of them :joy:

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You scared me there a little, I thought I read that you didn’t like it. Just watch the ones with Daniel Craig, fun entertainment imo.

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Enjoy the weekend? Can’t… Work weekend :expressionless:

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I have no reason to not like them since i’ve never watched any of them :sweat_smile: i’ve just never gotten around to it.

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I meant the sw ones, I misread it and thought you said you didn’t like them when you finally saw them.

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