Will not be handing out gold today and sorry for pointless post but its the weekend so go and enjoy yourselves and forget life’s worries for a while.
I’m on a 6 month sub myself, so no gold donations from me either enjoy the weekend peeps
Got a month left on mine. I won’t be handing out gold because I have no gold to give
Never fear Halicos is here and i am enjoying my weekend also good news you are not leaving us it would be sad here without you Daestra!.
Dont worry i suck at gold farming so i have very little gold too.
Wow is always enjoyable.
Just gotta try putting away what annoys you and do what you truly like.
I’m terrible at making gold, but too good at spending. Really bad combination xD
You can still give me your goggles !
Nevarrrrr. They’re mine preciousessss *gollum gollum*
Such cheerful post. I’m sure this calls for a celebratory gold handing to me???
Just renewed myself. And whatever I’m on for a while for now. Having fun.
haha just like me IRL i am really good at spending it.For example whenever i decide to save up money i spend them alot but whenever i decide to spend them i save up actually some strange force is toying with me.
I’m glad someone got the reference, otherwise it just looked really strange haha.
Not to worry one of my favourite Epic fantasy genre of movies are Lotr and Hobbit franchise.
Hell yeah. Let’s be honest, without Mr J.R.R Tolkien there’d probably be no Warcraft.
Yes exactly without Tolkien MMOs wouldnt be a thing.
I’d been worried if ppl didnt take that reference
Are we talking about subbing? I’m subbing 3 accounts right now, paying on alternating months. =D
Except the main one, which I typically go for whatever offer gets me a mount or something.
It’s a nice topic, I see too many topics about people unsubbing, it’s fun to have the reverse. =D
Huh, Gollum, did the conversation change?
Reads a little
I read the first LoTR, but I’m a really bad reader and much prefer tv. I’ve seen the extended movies a few times, I’ve read the hobbit but not seen the movie, which is an unusual twist…