Renowned Explorer's Transmog suddenly missing

Hi there! With the ongoing troubles concerning connectivity and login issues, I actually managed to log into the game.

Woop-tee-doo! Happy Days! Just got a problem now: My Renowned Explorer’s transmog set, which I obtained months ago is suddenly removed from my appearances. Is this to do with ongoing issues? I was using it earlier today so can’t be the Pre-patch release which caused this.

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All my created and saved mog sets are gone too. I had over 12 for this guy alone, such a great pre-patch isn’t it?

I mean I would expect problems during pre-patch, they always happen. This one has just been especially hard on the bugs ;_;

Indeed but most of these bugs where reported to them months ago as a lot of the beta testers have pointed out. No excuses for that

I can confirm my transmogs have returned after 3 relog attempts and sitting through the queue. To anyone else having this problem: Just seems to be a server-side error, relog a couple of times and/or wait a while.

Inconvenient, yes. But luckily it’s not all gone forever!

The problem still persists, only with this tmog. I don’t want to log 10 times, so I pay 400 gold every day for the “reward”. It’s not a problem of not being able to play, but for me the “reward” loses a little value :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, happens routinely for me, getting right on my nerves, come on Blizz, what are we paying you for!?

The necro’d thread is a problem from 9 months back. For the current transmog issues impacting many transmogs (also paid ones from store) see this thread:

PLEASE fix this already. This set costs way too much for it to be unavailable at random intervals. The gold cost of mogging it again after it disappears also really sucks.