Reopening the Mage Tower with Legion Timewalking in 9.1.5

Got to give you that one on technical points. Challenging single player end game content then?

It can very much be ever green if you keep it fresh and interesting.

That’s how good video games work, you do something challenging, you get something rewarding in return. Sometimes it’s a cool piece of story, sometimes an achievements, sometimes something unlockable. I don’t expect good rewards to be handed freely. But I do expect there to be rewards worthy of our time. A reskin of an old tier barely ticks that box. You’re not going to tell us now that you play video games just for the sake of the experience or some sanctimonious nonsense like that aren’t you?

Clearly it is since they’re bringing back the challenges without the gameplay of legion. Classes might have been unpruned, have had talents and abilities tweaked but they all remain largely the same. That being said I’m sure there will be the usual mess where some class/specs have it real easy, when others will be suffering. But that’s the story of the game since day 1.

Started levelling my 50 Druid (who has the white mage tower bear) simply to get it. It does look cool. I don’t play tank and don’t particularly like Druid but I like collecting.

I said it earlier but will repeat. I was new to Legion. I worked my rear off to get 12 characters (one of each class) to do the class quests and then the mage tower (did most dps and tank). I’d be disjointed if they offered it to all now. In the same way I do not expect to get any of the pre-Legion goodies.

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Tough this is an mmo you are not supposed to get everything you want. There are countless appearances in this game for weapons, just accept that you will never get these and move on.

If people have the skill and patience, I don’t see why this is the mark of a good game. I halfway expect that it was simply FOMO to ensure player retention, and somehow they actually have their customers defending it years later.

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You can still be justly rewarded for the mage tower without being rewarded those specific rewards. If you dont like the reskins of TOS Armor, then ask for better Armor, if you want weapon appearances ask for blizz to make some new ones. Those looks are not the only ones that blizz can and ever will make, they can make more.

This is why your ask for these looks is pure jealousy, as you gain nothing from getting those appearances that you wouldn’t from unrealated weapon appearances, aside from the knowledge that you are getting something that was exclusive.

The mount is nice. The reskins less so. You can’t in all honesty begin to compare unique weapon models to a quick recolour job. But hey if that’s a solid reward to you, good on ya.

Sure. I’ll have all of that, plus the option for others to earn what was once rewarded for the same challenge we’re being offered in 9.1.5.

My transmog library begs to differ where I’m concerned.

Because if there’s one thing paladins and warriors are sick of, it’s all those flails they’ve been getting since Legion…?

Ok again that just means those rewards arent up to par, but it doesnt mean that you are justified in getting rewards that where meant to be exclusive. It just means you need better rewards.

Its not the same challenge because that challenge was during legion, and the rewards where stated to be legion expac exclusive. This one is during SL, also some boss abilities are supposed to be slightly different.

Is it an equivalent challenge however? Probably, but that just means you need sufficiently complementary and equivalent rewards not the same rewards. Maybe even dare I say it SL exclusive rewards of your own.

Ah yes because when I said “unrelated” I meant that they can’t share the same weapon type, because as a hunter I really would love my potential SL MT rewards to be 2 guns and a staff, since the last MT used all of our other typical weapons types.

Nice straw man, clearly what I meant was that thematically they should be different, sharing the same weapon types is obviously ok.

So you add a new unique werebear variant? Don’t you think its fair to make more variants of the feral forms? I know the werebear has a new skeleton but I could voice out doing the same for ferals, moonkins and even flight forms.

Speaking as someone who has completed the majority of the challanges ( all of the ones i actually wanted) I will not feel like my efforts were diminished.


No thanks.

To make the new players happy like you have players who tried their best to get the feral forms and guardian forms like myself… But I didn’t have the right gear at the time and by the time I killed the Imp mother the servers went online the moment was about to turn in the achievement over in Dalaran… when the servers went down to prepare for BFA. Which I lost my temper. I know for a fact people who got it will complain but how about bring the old appearances back again but on a small window of opportunity for like less than 3 days or something and entire thing of exclusive toxicity is really dumb… I like to get those appearance’s… not to show off but to collect.

Not looking forward to doing the druid tank one again its a nasty one and nearly drove me to quit last time .
As its a TW event and only once a month i hope it is fairly tuned /scaled .

I hope this doesn’t mean it will be face roll easy, otherwise what’s the point? We want rewards for completing challenging content, not just handed rewards.

Get the Luffa Wrappings legendary, it trivializes the whole encounter.

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I have a theory: the problem arises (imho) when some expansion get cooler limited stuff ( legion) and other expansions got barely anything worthwile in the same cathegory ( Bfa ) this creates inequalities between players that played different expansions, as some will have cool rewards to carry over and other lame ones.
each expansion has its own version of some cutting edge mounts or titles, or things that become unobtainable afterwards, and very few people complains about those because each expansion has it’s own version of them, more or less of the same “value”, legion stands out because they went all out on the coolness of the unique rewards ( weapons are the coolest stuff you can visually show on your character) and didn’t come up with equally cool limited weapon rewards in BfA and SL.

if anything, we’d need some very cool time limited weapon mogs to show off for each and every single expansion, possibly themed around that specific expansion set pieces (another reason removing class sets was a bad idea).
if every expansion got it’s own cool weapon skins, with unique special different druid forms, nobody would pull their hair out (or at lest much fewer people) for not having access to the legion ones, because they’d have access to equally cool analogue but different stuff from BfA or SL or whatever expansion they played, and who played legion but not BfA ( for example) would not have access to those.
So while the legion bearfor would be unobtainable afterwards (in this hypotetical world) that would not be the only one special bearform, as there would be more each expansion.

you might say “then stop using the FOMO or limited time rewards”, but IMHO in a world where the most efficient way to play is not to play, and everything you accomplished is worthless after a new patch/expansion release , having expansion specific challenge reward skins that are unobtainable afterwards, is one of the few rewards we can carry over, for having actually played an expansion when it was current, that retain their value, in my opinion.

anybody can have 99% of the stuff from old expansion, except for the 1% of unobtainable stuff, call it a participation trophy if you want to be negative, or a badge of honour if you want to be positive.
and I’m fine with that, as long as it’s limited to a few handpicked things every expansion compared to the majority of the stuff still obtainable, and as long as every expansion gets its own equally cool version of it.

I completely skipped a few expansion in the past and i’m fine with people that played them as current, to have something to show for it, that I can’t get.

@Snorrï wtf is wrong with these 30k achievement white knights… dont you realize youre the ONLY players left in this game its nearly dead and its because of players like you who ONLY see good in blizzards eyes i bet you would also say they only gave the women in their HQ a ‘‘handshake’’ fck you and your kind.

Any idea when magetower would be playable on the PTR for try it out?

But Blizzard reintroduce this same apperance in every pvp and m+ seanson. Look on all gladiator mount they are time limiter but all of them looks there same.

Any idea what item level this will be scaled too so we can start gearing for it please and having to do all 36 spec AGAIN to get a FOS now annoy’s me .

There was a data mine of a buff that suggests that everybody will be scaled. So, perhaps, the ilvl that you have won’t matter. But that’s just a data mine, not an official position.

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