Repeated disconnects in solo shuffle


I was just in a solo shuffle game where i got disconnected repeatedly as soon as the games started. It seemed to be triggered by when I hovered my mouse over an enemy nameplate.

This also happened to the warrior in the opposing team.

Needless to say I am quite annoyed by this because i lost like 150 rating because of it but also got the que ban because of it.

my regular internet works just fine without any issues, ms is 98 and have no packet loss issues when using web normally or have discord running on the side.

fix your game please

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Same happened in m+, as soon as it starts people disconnects, log back in, insta disconnect again, fix this trash game.

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I’ve had this, but in BG blitz.

Disabling my addons has seemed to fix it, so far.

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Exact same issue happening to me and my arena mate. Everytime we engage in any kind of PvP, be it arena, BG, blitz or World pvp we get disconnected even though the internet is absolutely fine.

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Me and my friends located that it was an issue being caused by total rp 3 addon. When it tried to gather data about cyrillic names, it would apparently crash you.

If you disable trp3, ih works fine at least for me.

However some have pointed out other addons too, like people that don’t rp.

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will try this and let you know

Ugh what a trash problem, I was able to shuffle just fine yesterday and now I can’t?
So be it, I guess we’re waiting for an update on either side.

I’m having the same issue but in epic battlegrounds. Seems fine right up until a big team fight. Someone on Reddit suggested going Options → Network & disabling the network optimisation option.

Didn’t work for me but worked for quite a lot of others by the sounds of it.

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