Replace or rework Darkness

Bro, you’re a class that has literal immunity from damage for 5 seconds, Rain From Above is literal immunity to CC and Melee dps, and 50% dodge with 30% dmg reduction for 10 secs on 1 minute cooldown while also Glimse would give you 3 seconds of that buff every 25 seconds + CC immunity for these 3 secs, even your Metamorphosis gives you 1-3 seconds immunity to all dmg and cc, having Darkness that is more designed around giving OTHERS the chance of survival rather than being YOUR “BIG DEFENSIVE” .

What can I say ? I got Survival on 3 min cd for 6 seconds = 50% dmg reduction and Barkskin that is on 1 min cd for 12 seconds = 20% dmg reduction.
No immunity, Bear form is just a waste of time vs 90% of the classes for them are bipassing armor, its only good vs warriors and low skill DHs who dont beam you when you’re in bear form.
Also if you want to make the comparison with Frenzied Regen that you made- sure, it heals 16% , if we add dampening and mortal strike effect it heals even less.
The damage Darkness saves you is for sure more than 16 % of your health so
may i ask you again, why are you making a fool of yourself?
Just git gud, your rotation is 3 buttons, you literally have to only master your defensives and when to move in and move out, and your moving out is literally 1 global, not mention DHs get movement speed from their Mastery, most classes are not so fortunate to have movement speed.

Mate don’t even bother
Person is hella triggered by DH because feral is in a strange spot. If you go to their sub you’ll see they’re all complaining.

The minute they Imprison=Clone was reason to just ignore tbh

I made the mistake of engaging you, and yet again it proves I am the clown. EVERYTHING YOU SAID HERE IS WRONG, starting from the fact you CAN CC any DH in rain from above. Mind blowing right? Just cast cyclone while he is in the air and down he goes, or any range stun. Incredible you didnt know that and you play pvp as a druid.
Blur is not 30% damage reduction, but these are just details. You again mention multiple pvp talents that cant even be taken at the same time, like the imprison, glimpse, rain, etc. “Darkness give other chance of survival” while DH is made out of paper and dies through blur LOL. Others have their own defensives they can press which are much better.

I’ve been knocked back (typhoon’d) out at the start of the animation. You get knocked sideway and just flap your wings for 2 seconds, while able to take damage

Yeah much op ability plz nurf

Against any decent player I get stormbolted/cycloned/any hard cc even after taking off. It also exposes you to getting blasted by range dps if you press it at the wrong time, and you are toasted.
But clowns will clown.

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U forgot to mention being ring of peaced out of your darkness.

darkness could be an aura instead of a AoE drop

thats the only suggestion that makes sense, this would counter ring of peace bots
i think the 3min cd is fair, when you have blur and avoid damage with blades and the high leech

so respectfully thats the only change i would settle for is having it as an Aura

what is this?

Also by aura you mean players within (x) distance rather than area of effect on ground?

doesnt blade dance avoid damage? ( its been a long time since i played but it used to

and yh like 10 yards everyone around you get Darkness for x amount of time

technically darkness could work like a smoke bomb blocking casts

That’s been out of the game a looooong time mate
Rogues cried too much from dodge kidney

I’d only advocate for an aura …if effected team mates characters changed colour so they didn’t just bolt off to space and die for free

they all turn into shadowform versions of themselves

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Yeah that’ll do it
Or a burning fel ring around their waists
Just something idc for the animation so much
Just so they know whats up
Otherwise… have a giant message on their screen :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

only problem with the Aura option

it may cause some problems with people combining it or overlapping it on say a Smoke bomb or rushing into people in a solar root beam from druids

but would open up options for DH / Rogue or DH/DK to be good in arena

  • i can imagine Slappy hands + darkness to be a nightmare to deal with
  • smoke bomb, into darkness and CC healer out of bomb

Yeah more comps is never a bad thing, just something needs to change with it
Heavy RNG, long CD, and the animation is nice but way too many … walk out of it

Yeah, I mean lowkey I dont have a problem with that counter, there should be counters to defensives in PvP, provided it requires some skill and not just scripts/auto target bots.

I just dont want to be mongoed while inside darkness and get RNGed down.

As for these:

Yeah, they have been long gone from the game. Now leech is 5% in pvp, same as BM hunter with the ferocity pet or lower? And blade dodge is gone gone.
I dont want to have “warrior” defensives, as DH is designed like ww monk, around kiting and range-dodging stuff. But the game has changed so much since then, now everyone has gap closers and casters can one shot you in a coil. I can only kite-outplay Rets and Dks lol, only 2 wheelchair classes left.

tell me about it, try playing a hunter, im not a caster or a true melee
i get rinsed on both

the only thing that annoys me more is trying to pvp as a DK, that class is paper

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