Replace "Rise of The Zandalari" dungeon queue with "Hour of Twilight"

Having to queue the three new dungeons as “specific” (and thus only being able to do them once per day) instead of having a separate queue which enables new alts to farm them for gear makes everything a lot slower. The odds of getting one when doing random heroic aren’t good enough to warrant the queue time + risk of only getting 346 gear.

I can’t imagine many are actively queueing for the Zandalari ones this patch - maybe replace that with a new, specific “Random Hour of Twilight dungeon” queue?


Iirc, the original Cata client had it that way - random Zandalari switched to random Hour of Twilight (that’s why a lot of people actually call it RHOT). And yeah, agreed - log specific troll ones if you wish to, but having an actual RHOT would be nice - both for multiple runs in a day (though if you do 3 specifcs and then log random protocol, you can get them again) and for the VP that come out of randoms.

On the other hand, the second this happens, considering the RHOT drop fragments too, the Twilight Protocol dies - 3 new dungeons drop both fragments and LFR loot, so what reason would people have to actually do Protocol, when they can get literally the same reward in much easier and faster RHOT dungeons? Especially considering that 3 dungeons per day is enough for a lot of people, even more so if they have alts…

So yeah, I’d love it too, but I don’t think it’s actually gonna happen - even on the merits, not just because no relevant employee reads forums anyway…

Yeah the Hour of Twilight dungeons are a lot more accessible (not to mention that they’re dungeons that we haven’t been running for almost a year now).

And while I do want to queue specifically for them for the superior gear, the lack of Valor discourages me, and I end up praying for a chance at getting them in the random queue just to get hit with Deadmines.

No RHOUT is a joke. The new dung are the catch up gear for alts and poeple that left during firelands or before. Pugs are a nightmare because ppl is undergear, so you can only do cataclysm classic ir you have a group or raiding gear. No thanks, blizzard

ye its so annoying that we cant just que for twilight dungoens :smiley:

I think it’s good that the HoT dungeons are in the same queue as the Twilight Protocol ones. Mixes it up a bit if you’re farming through RDF, and you won’t run into the WotLK issue where everyone runs FoS 900 times instead of rotating the dungeons a bit.

The Twilight Protocol have been nerfed enough now so even the players with 370 ilvl doing 10k dps with dungeon buffs should power through, really. Assuming the mechanics are dealt with somewhat correctly, that is.

On the other hand, the second this happens, considering the RHOT drop fragments too, the Twilight Protocol dies

This is super fair and something I didn’t think about. Just like Babastiltz said we’ll go back to “daily FoS”.

Perhaps a compromise where they make it available but you only get fragments the first run of each per day? Same outcome but people who want to farm last boss drops + 378 can do so?

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Yeah, not saying that a reasonable middle ground does not exist at all…but, while I would like to see it happen, I also think that the current system does have its merit and therefore isn’t likely to change - it would come down to personal opinion / preference, not something that would be objectively better… :slight_smile:

its all fun and games untill you gt into like deadmines or blackrock with low geared group - then its gg :smiley:

just let us spam endtime dungeons and we gucci

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