Here’s the updated report with your server details included:
Report Letter
Dear World of Warcraft Support Team,
I have identified a group of characters that I suspect are using bot programs for gold farming. They have been farming in Blackrock Depths 24/7, which severely impacts the fairness and experience of the game. I believe these characters are involved in illegal botting activities, and I kindly request that you investigate and take appropriate action.
Below are the details of the suspected characters:
[Removed by mods]
These characters have been botting in Blackrock Depths for extended periods, significantly disrupting the game environment for other players. I kindly ask that your team investigates these accounts and takes action against this unfair behavior.
Thank you for your hard work in keeping World of Warcraft a fair and enjoyable game for all.
Best regards,
Player Name: [Your Character Name]
Server: Living Flame (Alliance)
Report Date: [Date]
Moderator edit: The forums is not an appropriate venue for reports like this, but for more information about how to report botting or any other kind of cheating, please see:
Great reply to this effort, NOT. You rather tap an EU player on the fingers instead of encouraging this effort?
Hello valued player, thanks you for your effort it’s much appreciated. However, the forums are not really the right place to report suspects of cheating/botting. We would much value your reports as stated in the link below.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Ofc i understand that ppl shouldn’t name&shame on the forums but he did provide ppl on here with a nice email to mail to you guys if it has to come to that.
Better change your tone towards your valued customers as we players are the ones that pay your bills!
They call themselves customer service so we should be revered to as valued customers. I don’t care how indifferent they are towards us but we’re still paying money for this. We are doing their job to get bots out of the game on top of us paying them.
I pay for 2 accounts and there’s plenty of others paying for multiple accounts.
I have been here myself posting about bots in the past, they get to everyone at some stage
Sadly they are here to stay, partly because blizz don’t really care and partly players keep buying gold.
Anyone’s gran in a nursing home who has never been on the internet before could be trained up in one afternoon to spot what a bot looks like.
All blizz would have to do is send them some tea and biscuits, maybe organize some school kids to come and sing for them one afternoon, not exactly a huge investment for them.
From August 10 to August 30, reports worked very well. But since September 1, Blizzard has stopped banning them, and at this point, reports are useless. I reported 50 bots, and it’s the fifth day, and they are still online in Blackrock Depths. They must ban them within 48 hours or less. Now, it seems like Blizzard is doing the bots a favor. From this experience, I now know that Blizzard has the ability to ban them, but they don’t want to do it.
Maybe bots are also considered customers by Blizzard. The loss of players would lead to a decrease in their revenue, so they need bots to make up for it.