Reporting slacking players at BGs

Is there a way to report slacking players at BGs?
I mean those, who are not really afk, so they will not get automatically kicked, but they move around from time to time just to get honor and reputation for free.
Tried to find a way to report it ingame, could not find a way for that.
Am I missing something?
Just met another player like that, Werny-LivingFlame.
He had no issues with saying that he does that, he does not seem to see the problem, says it is perfectly legal, and how it is possible that those stupid 39 players can not win when the BG for him :smiley: :smiley: Literally… :smiley:
Like, is this the new way of doing BGs?

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Don’t bother, devs probably think their afk report works just fine (biggest KEK of all KEKs) and anything else is not a reason for report since you can’t expect everyone to be top pvp’er, do objectives, fights etc etc etc and bla bla bla.
The only thing they think worth banning is a “toxic” chat, so watch out what you type for the said players cause the onlyone that will get banned is probably you.
(example of that is the fact that this thread will probably get flagged and deleted for naming and shaming cause you mentioned a name, so if you want the post to stay just edit it out)

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Thanks for the information…
Yea it is a big KEK to ignore keeping a healthy game enviroment.
I was polite to him, did not insult him in any way, so I am not affraid of that.

I will keep the original post as it is, at least I will be able to see the approach of WoW devs firsthand.
If they really edit it to leave out the name, or delete it, at least I will be sure in their approach to their players that are trying to keep up healthy and fair game enviroment.

btw, I find funny that they care so much about funny things like not being able to do /spit on a player, but they ignore so many issues that are ruining the whole experience…

If it was up to me, I would BAN players slackin at BGs from joining more BGs for at least one week. Because it is spreading pretty fast, every AV around 5 players that do literally nothing and end up with 0HKs, because they just hide somewhere…

If all your game has is tedious chores and checklists, then people will do what they can in order to skip the most possible.

but thats way to get honor in peace, just join and leech
why would i sweat !!

it’s almost as if this game is a methusalem and noone ever bothered to bring it up to modern standarts.
One major flaw being how actually topping the scoreboard in PvP will not really give you any particular benefit compared to bottoming out.
Should the top Player/Players get more Rep/Honor etc?
Why is defending anything not giving extra either?

AV is always a zoo