War Mode didnt really turn out the way it was initially intended to be.
The idea may have been to promote world PVP that you opt into, but what it really is, is just a way to get abit more XP and various others small bonuses to rewards that in 99% of cases are PVE connected.
Ans ofc to get to use certain PVP talents that just ”complete” the class for you.
So my recomendation would be the following:
•Remove any Bonus to XP, Gold, Anima or whatever the case may be that comes from World Quests.
Reason being: The current way it works is youll have people doing world quests with WM on and just completely ignoring the enemy player in the same area because there isnt a real point to the PVP aspect. You dont get anything for killing them.
I know Blizzard have said its to reward the ”time lost” from PVP deaths. But nah, this is for PVP. You need to be ready to get killed. Dont play on a pvp server
•Take the idea of bonus from quests, and carry it over to killing players.
•Each kill should award a single Mark of Honor. This carries over to transmog incentive.
•Being an assassin should carry its own reward to make people want to be it aswell. This can be done by:
•Gold per kill (rng of 5-10)
•Double Mark or Honor per kill
•Doubled Honor per kill
•5-7 Soul Ash per kill.
(Feel free to recomend)
•Any kill in the open world should:
• Grant Anima
• Grant decent honor
• A single Mark of Honor or some Gold
• (Assassin only) Small but not pointless amount of Soul Ash
• Killing the Assassin would supply a decent amount of Soul Ash
• Killing the Assassin would also have a chance to drop a pvp titled item that is in line with the killers Weekly Vault (PVP)
• Killing the Assassin could have a 1-2% chance to drop Vicious War Mount token.
Checks and Balances:
•Any Soul Ash gained would be under the same cap in all ways that effect Soul Ash. Meaning you cannot gain more by doing this AND torghast. The idea is to let people have another route to this crucial resource.
•Anima would be group/tag wide
•Honor would split amongst groups/tag and run on a daily resetting DR with each kill being worth X% less
•The DR on kill would also apply to any other resource gained from killing an enemy player.
• Only the person landing a killing blow gets the gold. This will ensure you dont have raids of druids etc farming this way. This doesnt harm healers since what healer doesnt also do damage whilst fighting this day and age.
•An assassin is always counted as a fresh kill - no matter how many times in that day you have killed said person earlier.
•Gear earned from killing an Assassin could be a one time per Assassin thing to prevent farming gear. Feel free to recomend a better approach. We want to incentivise PVP, not cause PVErs to feel the need to ”farm” this way.
Please leave your feed back or like for visibility. Keep it constructive and on topic (and use paragraphs)