I like I’m sure many players have had dozens of different characters over the last 20 years. Is there a way to check how many reputations I have exalted across my whole account?
I’m trying to do the reputation achievement but I need to find a way to see what I have done across all of my Bnet account not just one character.
My best advice would be not to aim to do everything at once.
Have a look through and find something that you feel is very do-able and work towards it. I just clock things off every so now and then when I’m in the mood.
Quests and Exploration sections are broken down into each expansion and there is lots of stuff in there, much of it not hard to do alone.
The place I lack the most score is PvP, I just don’t find it fun to take part in and more so since some expansions I had to farm PvP to get essences or other items etc for PvE.
They added a load of Profession achievements as well, much is not retroactive so I’m slowly working my way through those.
Those are the only achievements I’m missing really. Never done even one of them.
I’m still working on the Zaralek Caverns family achievement though. The Delver Mandai Flying one took me a while but found a strat that worked eventually.