Reputation Item Changes

Hi Dev’s,

Do you plan level 60 item changes for arathi basin / warsong / alterac exalted reputation items?
Would be great, otherwise, the items will quickly be taken down and treated like garbage. A shame for exalted level 60 epics.

Rep should be something you do once and youre done with it given how much time it takes and how important it is for character development, on top of that its nearly impossible to grind on dead servers.

Being locked out from being to enjoy another class cause you cannot access stuff you already grinded out on another character is bad game design, specially when the balance is out of whack and youre forced to play different characters to enjoy different aspects of the game, thats already a major time commitment in itself, i dont see the value or fun in having to grind out the reputations again on another character or characters just to enjoy the game.

Theres no gameplay value in a permanent game of catch up on an alt