Request for free transfers from Golemagg to Gehennas due to low population

Hey Blizzard,

Golemagg has become nearly unplayable due to low population—finding groups, PvP, and even the auction house are struggling. Many of us would love to transfer to Gehennas, but the paid transfer fee is too high, especially considering how dead the server has become.

Would you consider offering free transfers to help players move to a more active server? This would be a fair solution to keep players engaged and improve the overall experience.

Anyone else stuck on Golemagg and hoping for a transfer? Let’s get this noticed!

Blizzard deactivated cross realm LFG for some reason which has not been fixed and probably will not be fixed

Auction house
The update no one asked for made auction house cross realm

Remastered servers are needed since end of wotlk (and for some even sooner). but blizzard does not care.

If you have money, just buy discounted transfers, if you don’t, stop spending the monthly fee for a company who does not care about you.

Some people have faith that the servers will be reforged once MOP hit, others understood that daddy will never come back.
You can decide who you want to be.

Golemagg is still a good realm, only problem is LFG tool is bugged and now dont show crossreal groups.

Other realms have even lower population and they are not getting the transfer, so i dont think Golemag gonna take that

at this point it’s just pure corporate greed to even have realms, EU should have 3 realms, one pvp one pve one rp, same for NA but 6, one trio on each coast.
I’m rooting for ya guys

If we travel to Utopia, why don’t we have just the ability to enter a “PvP-mode” like its shown on retail.
PvP realms at this point of the player distribution is like… Idk…pointless

they can merge all the same type realms into one without changing the classic backend, they could do this tomorrow if they wanted, where as war mode will require a lot more work

I’m on a 99% pvp realm just for the healthy economy, the pve guys (i’m guessing they are the 90% of the 99%) should get the option to leave

Golemagg is the 4th biggest EU server overall and 2nd biggest for horde, it has more logged players than venoxis and only slightly lower pop than gehennas and firemaw… what are you talking about?

There are pugs raiding every single day, close ratio of guilds that have cleared hc madness (ignoring gdkps which gehennas has more of and they’re mostly cores of the other guilds) and even in terms of rankings, golemagg still has a guild in the top 5 of speedruns, both casual and hardcore raiding is active.

I can see you raided a single time in tier 11 and then quit and just came back for t13, is this just an attempt at trying to get a free transfer to a server you wanna go to instead now after coming back for the 2nd week you’ve played in cataclysm?