Request: Increase Nameplate Distance to 41

Hello everyone,

Are there any reasons why the current distance of 21y should not be increased to 41y? It doesn’t affect the immersion of Classic/Vanilla.

They literally changed Classic in every term, which is fine because it’s SOD. So the excuse that there are no changes is no longer valid. The playstyle has completely transformed with all the new rune abilities, which are basically Cata/WotLK abilities.

What do you guys think?

Yes they said it on interviews that changing nameplates will change how pvp works and make it easier. Same with pve.

They should fix nameplates to require line of sight to the target instead of handicapping ranged players though.

In PvP you can already cheat the range at which you can physically detect enemies by increasing the minimum name size in the settings, so that point’s pretty moot.


Makes no sense to me… You just have a disadvantage as ranged player.
And, they already changed PvP, PvE totally with all the new spells which add modern playstyles.

No you dont.
Ranged Are the meta in pvp atm clowning in melee classes with their dmg, range, survivability, and how magic ignores dmg mitigation etc.

Stop trolling

I have been trying to push this since P1, its so annoying playing a range class due to this but like someone already mentioned here is that they said in an interview months back that IF they would change this there would be no turning back and also it would make areas like caves not beeing “as scary” or whatever they said becuase you would be able to see nameplates on mobs and it would be a danger going around the corner maybe pulling more mobs etc. (Something like this).

This is a QoL thing that should have been in from P1.

What kind of stupid take by the devs is that?? Artificially imposing an annoying visual obstruction so that the game “doesn’t get easier”?

Might as well limit FPS to 10 frames per second just in case the game is too easy lol

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