Requesting Black & Plagued Proto Drake clarification

I have seen alot of players speculating wether or not they were going to be removed with the Cataclysm pre-patch or the full Cataclysm release.

Since the Undying/Immortal requirements are removed, I was wondering wether or not they (the mount rewards) were going to stay, since if they are, its not worth it to put any effort into them currently.

I understand that Immortal/Undying were removed along with the mount reward when Ulduar released in original WOTLK.
I understand what the blueposts say, however this wouldnt be the first time that information is left out by accident.

Since things are different in WOTLK Classic, I was hoping to get some clarification from someone who works for or with Blizzard.


I think I saw them in the beta achievements which means they will probably be obtainable at least during the pre-patch. I’ll check again when I come back home this afternoon.

think your post is factually wrong. the titles were obtainable until the end of wotlk. The drakes were removed after naxxramas.

On beta they are marked as available (no feat of strength) but I got bad insight as I have that achievement and I can not tell how it looks for people who dont.

As far as I remember they written that after phase 1 drake will be available till the end of Wrath only, later achievement will not require the immortal/undying, but reward no mount. However Blizzard change their desidions every phase.

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I have an update.

I logged on the Pre Patch PTR and it show the black proto still obtainable while the Immortal is not. So seems like it will possible to earn the mount even in Cata.

(Thankfully I just need to get shoking, I should be able to solo Thaddeus as a hunter at lv85)

Mounts avaliable on PTR, also account wide achievements atm working"not titles", so if u lack 1 achiev on main but did it on twink u should get ur mount.
Btw call me for Thaddeus, its 1 achiev i missing on naax 25 xD

in original cata mounts were removed from the glory of ulduar but icc mounts were obtainable, I guess it will be the same story

I got my iron proto drake for Glory of Ulduar raider 25 during MoP, when I joined new guild after skipping Cata and rerolling back to Alliance. Only t7 mounts were unobtainable.

guess I mistook it with naxx mounts