REQUIREMENTS for Unlock allies races are stupid

And thats what ppl are saying all over in this thread. For those that just play its an easy unlock cause u just get the rep passivly by playing the game. But for ppl that are new and didnt play it can feel like crap to have to lvl up a char u dont wanna play, do all that rep grind just to be able to play what u actually wanted to play. I get that, i find it kinda crap myself to have to go back to old content if i want to unlock the allied races. But i’m not an altoholic and will probably just not bother (yet at least) cause i’m happy to keep playing my draenei :slight_smile:

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I mean, yeah, that’s an MMO for you, doing some grinds here and there to get what you want is part of it.
if you think I enjoy wiping 1000 times each season to get CE you’re wrong but, hey, here I am wiping 1000 times to get what I want.

takes around a week of passive play to unlock allied races anyway.
I could unlock it in 2-3 days at most.

people just want free stuff onplate.


But why are allied races so important to you? it’s something that Blizz added along with a gazillion other things in BFA. Except this thing you can’t just get without reputation. There is so much other stuff you could focus on.

Man, I was super confused at how you could wipe to get CE , because I thought Collector’s Edition… you ofc mean Cutting Edge.

Darn, do I feel stupid.

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Stop write this stupid things please.

If u achieved all thing for this races automatically - it doesnt mean, that all like your playstyle and shoud doing the same. Some people playing several characters, some people hate quests and grind, some people only doing their favorite stuff - m+ or pvp for example, etc.

Also nobody talking about free epics and titles here. It is all about gameplay possibilities. If player already bought expansion - why he cant already use all gameplay things, that it should provide?

Currently it is like “to get access to raid for CE achivement u first should complete 1000 quests, earn 3 exalted reputations with classic wow fractions and sell 1562 lot on AH” in your example.
Is it more understandable now?

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Where is ur character face?

I agree. There should still be a questline to unlock allied races but the requirements especially in an old expansion are dumb. I could not imagine having to play through argus now to unlock void elves or lightforged.


This boggles the mind. I have all allied races unlocked except dark irons and kul tirans. I did the reputation for void and lightforged on my mage (main in legion), and then the recruitment quest on a DH on alliance.

I had to work a little to get this. Please don’t dumb down this as well. Soon there won’t be anything that require you to put in any effort.

I agree there should be a grind or like a long quest chain in order to unlock it or something. Something that’ll take you a whole day or maybe spread out over 2. But it shouldn’t be a big big grind.
I play this game since vanilla and turned into a casual scrub. I haven’t even touched one of the newer races but I’d like to play something else for a chance. Tho, I probably wont because I cba the big farms on it

It’s not me. I’ve already unlocked all of them. I’m merely standing in defense of those who are now stuck.

All of us got them by simply casually playing the game. New players and returning players don’t have that luxury.

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everyone that has followed the ALLIED race discussion just for a little while knows what the requirement is. If you were so excited that your friend came back and he or she told you "I plan on making a Zandalari “insert class here” ", you should have told him or her before he or she subbed that he or she couldn’t. you knew he or she couldn’t, but you let him or her sub and waste his or her money anyway. that makes you the bad guy here, not Blizzard. you knew the requirements. But of course, if he or she didn’t tell you beforehand, it’s simply a lack of research and he or she has noone to blame but him or herself

And people still think this is effort…
This has nothing to do with effort. This is pure time sink. You login, you do your daily world quests and check your mission table and log out. How is that effort?
Effort would be if you also farmed this reputation via dungeons. Imo each dungeon should reward you with reputation per completion.
A person in my earlier quotes nicely proposed a solution to this, yet still it falls to deaf ears…or should I say blind eyes.

The entire point of the post is to offer more means of playing the game rather than logging in and doing world quests and logging out while you wait for daily reset to continue your 15-20 minutes daily farm for a reputation that requires you to unlock an Allied Race…for 2-3 weeks.

I still wonder if people even read everything that is said. I believe some really good solutions to this have been proposed, yet still they are ignored.

I’ll just say this:

You are a returning player, you played in WoD and decided to come back just now after seeing all the Allied Races.
You decide you are bored of your current race/character and want to jump in and make a new race or race change to one of the new races so you can properly enjoy the game.
You then realize you can’t do it.
For Void Elves, Nightborne, Highmountain and Lightforged you need to go to the old expansion to grind out the reputation and most of the story which is also gated behind reputation (Nightborne).

For Zandalari and Kul Tirans, you have to complete the story (which is TOTALLY OK) , parts of story which are gated behind Honorbound/7th Legion reputation and Proudmoore/Zandalari rep.
For that you also need to grind World Quests which spawn once per day giving you a limited amount of rep.

You are then stuck with a character from a single faction, bored of your current character and looking forward to playing a new Allied Race, but you can’t. You have to grind it out for weeks before you’re able to play what you like and love…thus resulting in burnout, bitterness and probably quitting the game.

That’s not enjoyment, that’s torment and job.

There’s a difference between actual effort and time-gated easy casual grind that takes weeks.

To us, who have done it, of course we won’t even consider feeling for people who have to go through all of this.
We had a steady pace between patches which earned us reputation and more than enough time to get prepared for the said races.
I personally didn’t feel the weight of grind, because I never grinded the reputation, knowing full well I’ll earn it via emissaries nice and fast (on 3 characters!!!).

I still wonder if people even want new players in the game to enjoy the game and experience it properly, or if they just want to repel everyone out of the game cause "muh effort and prestige’’ nonsense which is not even prestige NOR effort.


don’t they have a catchup system for legion allied races? I mean, don’t you get lots of rep. for the quests on argus now? I thought I heard that sommewhere, not that I care, none of the alliance allied races interest me at all, I did manage to unlock dark Iron dwarf, which I have leveled up to 110 to get the armor, but also because they make great dungeon farmers since they run faster indoors. I do agree that at some point there should be catchup for rep. so you don’t have to spend weeks doing old content.

Poor wording on my part but when I wrote “Stop expecting everything to be free.” it wasn’t meant for you but to the OP.

Just take a step back and read what I wrote. Nobody here is complaining about having to work on something, people are complaining about time-gated reputations that can take up to 3 weeks, even more!
I even proposed to lower the rep requirement to Revered simply to ease it up a bit…

I suggested the same thing and so I wrote “Now, I might agree to relax the grind up to revered as opposed to exalted but that’s a different thing to ask.”

Just because it “never was before Legion/BFA” doesn’t mean that it should ALWAYS be the same. Flying wasn’t brought in till Cata, then removed in WoD. Does that mean flying should stay removed, because “it wasn’t like that before”? Or, does it only matter when it comes to something you/someone wants?

If this was the case and it no longer took 3-5 weeks, what do you think would happen? People would complain there’s “nothing to do” (Like they already do). It’s literally 15-30 minutes a day. Yes, it may take a few weeks, but, before these races came out, people were fine with their mains. If they want to change their race to these, then should EARN it like everybody else.

The problem with the playerbase nowadays is they expect Blizzard to do everything they want a lot easier, so they don’t need to work for it. This has both ruined the MMO and the RPG of this game.

Ruined the MMO by: Allowing players to get everything they wish easily by playing Solo. You don’t NEED to be with a group to do well. You can see and do everything solo, so the MMO is dying.

Ruined the RPG by: destroying the progression of the game. The only “progression” left is Allied Races, and yet people want that removed a swell.

It’s sad to see the playerbase blame Blizzard for “killing the game”, and yet it’s actually the playerbase doing just that, killing the game.

Explain why the player who didn’t play should be “given” the races, because they didn’t play? If they didn’t play, then they lost out and need to put the work in. It’s as simple as that. A game doesn’t revolve around those “new players”. It revolves around the players that are willing to keep subbing, every month. It’s how they make money.

If I join a new game, I don’t expect to be given things others have worked for (For weeks). If others had to do it time-gated, then so should I. Why should the game cater to me? I’m new, not an old player. Yes, getting new players is good. But, at the same time, pissing on the old players by making things 20x easier is going to cause more problems.

Let’s say they remove the time gate, 3 new players join, get it done, get bored, leave. Whilst this has happened, another 20+ old players have left because “WoW is becoming too easy and boring”.

Asking for it to be easier for new/returning players is just being entitled. Why should they get it easier? THEY left (Or have just joined). I can kinda understand the annoyance with new players, but, at the same time, as I’ve said, if I’ve just recently joined a game, I wouldn’t expect anything to be made easier for me.

But, returning players have NOTHING to complain about. We’ve known about the races for over a year now, they had MONTHS in Legion to come back and get it done, and have had MONTHS in BFA to get it done. They didn’t their loss. They can put in the work for it. Just because they left, that doesn’t entitle them to be able to acquire things easier than those who stuck around.

Any game company that does that would be bust within a year or 2, because all of the old players would leave, and the ones he left to begin with, will just leave again.

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I’ve actually never said that anyone should just get the allied races without working for it. I just said that i can understand that it feels like crap. I dont mind grinding myself if its something i really want.

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I don’t understand why it feels like crap though. I’ve only recently moved Horde, so I’m still working towards Zandalari. Most of my guild has it, some have changed their main to it. When I see them, I don’t feel like crap. I feel determined to get it.

If you’re new to the game, you shouldn’t expect to be able to have everything the game has to offer. You should expect to have to work for some things.

If you’re a returning player, then you should expect to have missed out on some things, and know that you’ll have to do some work to get things that those who stayed subbed got when it was recent. It’s how games have always been.

I don’t go to a shop, buy a game and expect to have 100% of the game clear just because I leveled up to max. I know I have to work for it.

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so how do you reward people who have already fulfilled the requirement?
or we only care about people who don`t like to invest their precious time?

We’ll be told asking for this is being entitled. “It was current when you did it, so you just played the game”. Things like this will be said. We’re not allowed anything for doing the work, they just want it made a lot easier so they can get it.