Requisition: More Starfish

Who-ever made this quest, I wish death upon your little toe. May you smack it against countless furniture corners, and may all your table and chair legs be uneven, and no amount of folded paper shall ever fix it for you.

May your tv remote vanish every 2 minutes, and all your beer be room temperature.


Wow… Calm down…

Chill there, you almost wanted to say that you wished death upon the person.

That’s a big no-no.

Uhh… no… I didn’t want to say that. I wanted to say what I said there. That’s literally it.

Every time this quest spawns a small child dies of terminal mouth ulcers.

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Woah. Dude. Chill.
… It is not enough.
May you ALWAYS lose your keys at the -worst- moment.

It’s just bugged (the starfish are phasing in and out). Just wait with completing it until they patch it.

I laughed out loud haha

Still, chill down, its meant to be hard so u can walk around and search for it with trouble, that’s what they want.
Just don’t tell them that their little toe should die… That’s just wrong…

I really hope you’re just trolling atm, otherwise learn to take a harmless joke, dude
: P

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Not harmless for toes, is it?!

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Its a toe, no one kills a toe!
That’s just beyond human capabilities, no one can survive without them!

I’d be okay with it, if it wasn’t for the fact that a lot of the time, they’re in phased areas and you suddenly switch phases the moment you come within five feet of picking up the dumb starfish and you aggro three naga that spawn out of thin air.



in ten characters

That was my biggest issue, too.

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dumb starfish


They have feelings too. :frowning:

Toe, I get…legs…sure…BUT BEER?! LEAVE THAT ALONE!

Actually, angel scale starfish guy. May your toe live and experience the most irritating rash. You deserve worse for one of the ten most sensitive ends of your body.

And may your dumb toe with a rash get stubbed on every table, chair, and stairs. And may all your furniture be adorned with spikes on its lowest points. And may thoses spikes have spikes for good measure.

If you’re in a group, all collect credit if you gather one if they’re nearby. If you’re doing it solo, four puppies get kicked each time you deny another player quest credit.